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%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B3%D0%BE – 30 результатов перевода

Я смог сказать лишь их! Я бы сказал подождать.
38 44 48 39 59 b 38 60 37 60 36 59 b 33 56 30 55 28 55 b 24 55 23 56 21 57 l 11 57 b 8 66 6 74 6 85 b
428.75)}m -26 6 b -28 5 -29 4 -30 2 b -27 -2 -22 -1 -23 -2 b -23 -3 -25 -3 -25 -5 b -22 -6 -9 -7 -4 -7 b -2 -7 2 -7 4 -7 b 9 -7 22 -6 25 -5 b 25 -3 23 -3 23 -2 b 22 -1 27 -2 30 2 b 29 4 28 5 26 6 l -26 6
Subtitles by DramaFever You knew from the beginning! 17 years ago!
Jin Woo...
I don't know why bad things keep happening to him.
Нет, этого не может быть...
Разрушение блока B-3 завершено.
Всему персоналу Технического отдела: пожалуйста, передайте результаты в аналитическую группу.
No, that can't be it.
The demolition of block B-3 has been completed.
All technical department personnel are to submit their data to the analysis group.
Номер такси - 2-7-B-3.
Хорошо, подожди.
The cab's medallion number is 2-7-B-3.
Okay, hang on.
Джей Ти на второй линии.
Гейб и Тесс сказали, что он сел в такси Направляется западнее в сторону Хьюстона, номер такси 2-7-B-3
I've got JT on the other line.
Gabe and Tess have him in a cab going West on Houston, medallion number 2-7-B-3.
Так что перезвоните мне по номеру 0-0-5-4-7-7-0-0-9-0
Перезвоните мне, когда вы прослушаете это сообщение.
"So could you please give me a call as soon as possible... at 0-0-5-4-7-7-0-0-9-0
"Please call the second you get this."
Я оставила сообщение с объяснениями.
Номер такси - 2-7-B-3.
TESS: I left you a message explaining.
The cab's medallion number is 2-7-B-3.
Так не честно, ответь мне!
Я бы предложил ей выпить, если никто не войдет в лифт до этажа B3.
Я думал, ты не можешь пить холодные напитки.
What kind of answer is that?
I'd offer to buy her drinks if it's just us until we reach B3.
I thought you couldn't handle cold stuff.
Маленькое отступление.
Я работаю над этим отчетом, Который называется "Использование 23-b-3 ложного Классового действия прецедента
"спора классовой аттестации порядка
A little background.
So I'm working on this report called "Using 23-B-3 spurious class action precedent
"to contest a class certification order
Конь на b3.
Knight to b3.
- Питер Рэббетт...
Там есть могила некого Питера Рэббетта, R-A-B-B-E-T-T, ["rabbit" - "кролик"] и могила Джеремии Фишера
Все там.
- Peter Rabbett, there's...
There's a grave for a Peter Rabbett, spelled B-B-E-T-T, there's a Jeremiah Fisher, there's a Mr Nutkins, there's a Mr Brock and a Mr McGregor.
All there.
- Этот штука покупается в любой аптеке. - Может быть, в Техасе и так.
Это витамин B3, Агент Малдер.
- То, что я Вам дала - плацебо. - Ни за что.
- This stuff is purchasable at any corner drugstore.
- Maybe in Texas it is. These are niacin capsules, Agent Mulder.
- What I gave you is a placebo.
Хотите сказать, что минобороны, кибернетическое командование, да и вся разведка, никто из вас не смог помешать Китаю найти дыру в нашей системе защиты?
говорить начистоту, г-н Президент, сбор данных не включает в себя сбор информации по всем компонентам B-
И когда мы будем знать наверняка?
You're telling me DOD and Cybercom, the entire intelligence community, none of you could stop China from stealing a key piece of our defense?
To be clear, Mr. President, the data acquisition may not have included every component of the long-range strike bomber.
And when will we know for sure?
У меня есть капуста кале, морковка, B3, агава.
А ещё делюкс чизбургер с беконом и чили.
Check it out.
I got my kale, my carrots, my B3, my agave.
I got my bacon chili cheeseburger deluxe.
Именно этим занимался я.
B3, пожалуйста.
A3, пожалуйста.
Which was exactly what I was now doing.
B3, please.
A3, please.
И так я стал перед выбором который решит исход игры.
A2 или B3?
А2, В3.
So, I was now faced with the choice that would decide the game.
A2 or B3?
A2, B3.
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
A - a,
B - b,
C - c,
A - a,
B - b,
C - c,
- Эй, Джой, смотри, "Копы" вернулись.
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
- Hey, look, Joy, Cops is back.
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
- привет... - привет... Я не видела тебя несколько дней
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
I haven't seen you in a few days.
В мужском пенисе была рыба
There's always gonna be a fish in a man's penis, chief.
You can say you movin' on all you want, but are you really?
There was a fish in a man's penis.
There's always gonna be a fish in a man's penis, chief.
You can say you movin' on all you want, but are you really?
- ...am?
То bе, блядь, or not to be!
Об этом тоже не слышал?
To be! Fuck! Or not to be!
You haven't heard of that either?
Отель Поттеров BB.
Кажется будто только вчера я танцевал на кухне с Фредериком Фрике.
I love this place, the Potter B B.
Seems like yesterday I was dancing here with Frederick Fricke.
- Придумаю хорошую причину, почему меня не было.
The producers are gonna be mad.
They sat us down and said:
- I'll come up with a good reason why I wasn't there.
The producers are gonna be mad.
They sat us down and said:
They sat us down and said:
"Everyone has to be there, 6 a.m. Sharp.
That means you, Tribbiani."
They sat us down and said:
"Everyone has to be there, 6 a.m. sharp.
That means you, Tribbiani."
I'll tell you what.
For the rest of our lives I'll be careful until told otherwise.
- This isn't the china we picked out.
I'll tell you what.
For the rest of our lives I'll be careful until told otherwise.
- This isn't the china we picked out.
Боже, я так этого ждала.
It was gonna be such a beautiful Thanksgiving.
Мы собирались есть суши.
God, I was so looking forward to this.
It was gonna be such a beautiful Thanksgiving.
We were gonna have sushi.
- Setting the table.
We thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert too.
Как это мило!
- Setting the table.
We thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert too.
How nice.
If you can't act your age, you shouldn't be here at all.
Those plates may not be as nice as the pretty pink ones that I picked out but they're important to Monica
And I want you to apologize to her, now.
If you can't act your age, you shouldn't be here at all.
Those plates may not be as nice as the pretty pink ones that I picked out but they're important to Monica.
And I want you to apologize to her, now.
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