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Произношение talk
talk – 30 результатов перевода
Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion.
You could treat me like I'm an equal or talk down to me like I'm a child.
No, I just think we should save our china for something really special.
Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion.
You could treat me like I'm an equal or talk down to me like I'm a child.
No, I just think we should save our china for something really special.
Эми, не плачь.
- Ross, can I talk to you in private?
- Sure, you wanna go upstairs, or?
Amy, don't cry.
- Ross, can I talk to you in private?
- Sure, you wanna go upstairs, or?
- I will explain it to her.
- Like I'd let you talk to the queen.
Wow, the parade is really good this year.
- I will explain it to her.
- Like I'd let you talk to the queen.
Wow, the parade is really good this year.
- You are a terrific actor.
I could talk to the producers for you.
I'm a great liar.
- You are a terrific actor.
I could talk to the producers for you.
I'm a great liar.
- Why can't you ever be supportive?
- You wanna talk supportive?
Ты не навестила меня в больнице, когда я родила ребенка.
- Why can't you ever be supportive?
- You wanna talk supportive?
You didn't come and visit me when I was in the hospital having the baby!
I think Я думаю, что мы подошли к этому в контексте холодной войны. ...I think we have to approach it in the context of the Cold War.
But first I'll have to talk about Ford.
Я должен вернуться к событиям конца войны. I've got to go back to the end of the war.
I think we have to approach it in the context of the Cold War.
But first I'll have to talk about Ford.
I've got to go back to the end of the war.
Это очень хорошее правило. It's a very good rule.
-When you talk about the responsibility for something like the Vietnam War чья ответственность за это
-Это - президентская ответственность.
It's a very good rule.
When you talk about the responsibility for something lik e the Vietnam War whose responsibility is it?
It's the president's responsibility.
Историкам действительно не нравится иметь дело с просчитыванием вариантов развития событий прошлого... Historians don't really like to deal with counterfactuals с тем, что могло-бы быть. ...with what might have been.
They want to talk about history.
"Как, черт возьми, ты, МакНамара узнаешь что могло-бы произойти? ... "How the hell do you know, McNamara, what might have been?
Historians don't really like to deal with counterfactuals with what might have been.
They want to talk about history.
" How the hell do you know, McNamara, what might have been?
# And I can't help but wonder If she knows what's going on
# You talk of love But don't know how it feels
# When you realize
♪ And I can't help but wonder If she knows what's going on
♪ You talk of love But don't know how it feels
♪ When you realize
# It's sad So sad
# Why can't we talk it over, babe?
# Always seems to me
♪ It's sad So sad
♪ Why can't we talk it over, babe?
♪ Always seems to me
Я не знал, кто ты такой.
It happens all the time Remember who to talk to.
Давайте под крышу.
I didn't know who you were.
It happens all the time. Remember who to talk to.
Come under the roof.
"Ночная Беседа" с Барри Чамплейном.
Телефонные линии KGAB открыты и ждут звонков от вас... набирайте 555-TALK.
А теперь: хозяин "Ночной Беседы", Барри Чамплейн.
Night Talk with Barry Champlain. # Bad to the bone #
The KGAB phone lines are open and ready for your call... at 555-TALK.
And now your host for Night Talk, Barry Champlain.
Эта страна прогнила до основания и кому-то пора позаботиться об этом.
отшвырните в сторону National Enquirer, снимите телефонную трубку, поднесите ее к уху... и наберите 555-TALK
Откройте рот и скажите мне, что делать с беспорядком в этой стране.
This country is rotten to the core and somebody better do something about it.
Take your hand out of that bowl of Fritos, throw away your National Enquirer, and pick up the phone, hold it up to your face... and dial 555-TALK.
Open your mouth and tell me what we're gonna do about the mess this country's in.
- Отстань.
- "Метро Уэйв Бродкастинг" - это гигантская медиакорпорация... специализирующаяся на радиовещании.
Stand by.
- 555-TALK. - Yo.
Metro Wave Broadcasting is a giant media corporation... specializing in broadcast radio.
- Вы слушаете лучшее радио в Техасе.
Телефонные линии открыты, и мы уже принимаем ваши звонки звоните 555-TALK.
- Боб, какое облегчение.
- Look, I gotta go. Bye. - You're listening to the best talk in Texas.
The phone lines are open, and your calls are invited now... at 555-TALK.
Bob, what a relief.
- с Барри Чамплейном.
Телефонные линии KGAB открыты и ждут ваших звонков... набирайте 555-TALK.
- Рада была познакомиться.
- with Barry Champlain. - # Bad to bone #
The KGAB phone lines are open and ready for your call... at 555-TALK.
- Nice to meet you.
Не скучайте.
Набирайте номер 555-TALK.
- Мне жаль.
- No holds barred.
Call 555-TALK.
- I'm sorry.
Если кто-то знает хоть что-нибудь про этого человека... видел его на побережье Черепах или кто-нибудь заметил его в телефонной будке, пожалуйста, позвоните нам, на радио KGAB.
Позвоните нам по номеру 555-TALK...
Ух... давайте послушаем наших спонсоров...
If anybody knows anything about this man... or is in Turtle Creek or sees someone in a phone booth, please call us here at KGAB.
The number to call is, is 555-TALK.
Uh, let's hear from our sponsors...
Tell me that she love me
I love that talk
That baby talk
Tell me that she love me
I love that talk
That baby talk
Удачи с ребёнком.
Нет, это было радио "К-TALK" из Минеаполиса.
Ты думаешь о радио "SLAM-100" из района Великих Озёр?
Good luck with the baby.
No, that was K - TALK out of Minneapolis.
You're thinking of SLAM-100 in the Great Lakes area.
There's nothing here for you to fear
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
There's nothing here for you to fear
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby
But there's something you can't do
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
But there's something you can't do
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby
You can talk to me
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby
When she walk that walk
And talk that talk
And whisper in my ear
When she walk that walk
And talk that talk
And whisper in my ear
That baby talk
When she talk like that
I can't take it like that
That baby talk
When she talk like that
I can't take it like that
Walk your walk Talk your talk
Talk your talk, baby
Спасибо, господа.
Walk your walk Talk your talk
Talk your talk, baby
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
I love that talk
That baby talk
When she talk like that
I love that talk
That baby talk
When she talk like that
Come on home to me, baby
Walk your walk Talk your talk
Talk your talk, baby
Come on home to me, baby
Walk your walk Talk your talk
Talk your talk, baby
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