Перевод "ъ" на английский
Произношение ъ
ъ – 30 результатов перевода
опедярюбэре яеае, нмю - лнъ, йюй щрю - ашкю бюьеи.
ю врн, еякх ъ яйюфс бюл, врн с мее - опнйюгю?
¬ четверг состоитс€ дополнительное собрание.
Suppose that she is mine as this says.
What if I told you she has leprosy?
Для тех, кто силен и бесстрашен, ноги Чиа сдвинутся с места.
Я силен и бесстрашен.
For the strong and brave will Chia walk.
But the next three knots declare: Beware! Beware!
I am the strong and brave!
Рудольфо, ступай к выходу и жди там мистера Генри.
-Здесь сказано: " Изо рта Чиа в ухо Цхатла"ъ .
Иди, просунь руку в рот Чиа и достань ключ.
No senor, I won't go there alone.
"From the mouth of Chia to the ear of Hzatzl" so it says.
Put your hand into the mouth of Chia and draw forth the key.
"Стояла в грустной тишине..."
*Томас Мур =Ъ*
- Не имею ни малейшего понятия.
Who wrote that?
-I haven't the faintest idea.
мн нм ярюпюкяъ свхрэ лнкнд╗фэ, йюй напюыюрэ щрс юцпеяяхбмнярэ б сбюфемхе й ябнелс яноепмхйс.
фхгмэ ашкю мек╗цйни, мн ъ гюонлмхкю рнр цнд, врн лш опнфхкх рюл... йюй яюлши опейпюямши цнд б лнеи фхгмх
[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] ъ онксвхк меяйнкэйн йспянб б рпемхпнбнвмшу кюцепъу б кхбюме. ю гюрел псйнбндярбн онякюкн лемъ б кхбхч дкъ яоежхюкэмни ондцнрнбйх.
But he tried to teach the youngsters how to channel that aggression into respect for your opponent.
It was very tough living there, but I remember that year we lived there as the most beautiful and most wonderful year of my life.
I did a few tours of duty in training camps in Lebanon and then the leadership sent us to Libya for special training.
фхгмэ ашкю мек╗цйни, мн ъ гюонлмхкю рнр цнд, врн лш опнфхкх рюл... йюй яюлши опейпюямши цнд б лнеи фхгмх.
[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] ъ онксвхк меяйнкэйн йспянб б рпемхпнбнвмшу кюцепъу б кхбюме. ю гюрел псйнбндярбн онякюкн
рпемхпнбйю ашкю сонпмни х янбпелеммни
It was very tough living there, but I remember that year we lived there as the most beautiful and most wonderful year of my life.
I did a few tours of duty in training camps in Lebanon and then the leadership sent us to Libya for special training.
The training was hard and advanced. We were there for about one month.
дюуюс мюундхряъ бяецн б 10 йл нр нкхлохияйнцн ярюдхнмю.
[юКЕЙЯ яОПХМЦЕП] ъ дслюч, елс ашкн нвемэ ръфекн, я оюлърэч н ецн яелэе х н рнл, врн мелжш ядекюкх я меи
ъ дслюч, нм всбярбнбюк бя╗ щрн.
Dachau is just six miles from the Munich stadium.
I think it was very difficult for him with the memories of his family and what the Germans did to them.
I think he felt this.
[юКЕЙЯ яОПХМЦЕП] ъ дслюч, елс ашкн нвемэ ръфекн, я оюлърэч н ецн яелэе х н рнл, врн мелжш ядекюкх я меи.
ъ дслюч, нм всбярбнбюк бя╗ щрн.
мн лнфер ашрэ, нм рюйфе унрек онйюгюрэ мелжюл, врн бнр нм, ъ, бепмскяъ, опхашк мю нкхлохияйхе хцпш, х бш ме ялнцкх лемъ смхврнфхрэ.
I think it was very difficult for him with the memories of his family and what the Germans did to them.
I think he felt this.
But maybe it was also for him to to show something to the Germans that " Here I am, coming back to the Olympic Games and you you couldn't really destroy me."
ъ дслюч, нм всбярбнбюк бя╗ щрн.
мн лнфер ашрэ, нм рюйфе унрек онйюгюрэ мелжюл, врн бнр нм, ъ, бепмскяъ, опхашк мю нкхлохияйхе хцпш, х
яохрж он-опефмелс мю онклерпю боепедх бяеу мю акхфмеи днпнфйе.
I think he felt this.
But maybe it was also for him to to show something to the Germans that " Here I am, coming back to the Olympic Games and you you couldn't really destroy me."
Spitz is still holding them off. He's got a half a meter lead.
ъ ме бепч ябнхл цкюгюл.
псяяйхе гюбнебюкх гнкнрн.
My goodness, I don't believe it.
I do not believe it.
The Russians have got the gold.
нмю онксвюер сднбнкэярбхе нр йюфднцн лцмнбемхъ!
[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] ъ х дбне дпсцху оепеапюкхяэ хг кхбхх б цеплюмхч... гю 2 дмъ дн ноепюжхх
лш опхькх б нрекэ, юдпея йнрнпнцн мюл дюкн псйнбндярбн.
She loves every moment of it!
Myself and two others traveled from Libya to Germany two days before the operation.
We went to a hotel which the leadership had given us the address of.
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я нярюкэмни вюярэч цпсоош - дпсцюъ цпсоою хг рпеу х дбсу кхдепнб мюундхкюяэ б лчмуеме б ревемхе мейнрнпнцн бпелемх.
мю якедсчыхи демэ лни дпсц х ъ... оняерхкх оюпс бнкеианкэмшу хцп б нкхлохияйнл оюпйе.
лш бяе еые ме ашкх нябеднлкемш на назейре мюьеи юйжхх.
There we met up with the rest of the team another group of three and two leaders who had been in Munich for some time.
The following day my friend and I went to a couple of volleyball games at the Olympic Park.
We still had not been told what the target of our operation was to be.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] оняке ндмнцн хг янпебмнбюмхи нм яйюгюк, "онялнрпх, рюл йнлюмдю кхбюмю.
ъ онднидс, онгднпнбючяэ я мхлх".
ъ, цнккюмдйю, яйюгюкю елс: "рш яньек я слю?"
After one of the competitions he said, "Hey, there is the Lebanese team.
I'm going over to say hello to them. "
I, coming from Holland, said, "Are you out of your mind?"
ъ онднидс, онгднпнбючяэ я мхлх".
ъ, цнккюмдйю, яйюгюкю елс: "рш яньек я слю?"
нмх хг кхбюмю.
I'm going over to say hello to them. "
I, coming from Holland, said, "Are you out of your mind?"
They are from Lebanon.
нм яйюгюк:
"юмйх, щрн бедэ нкхлохюдю, гдеяэ ъ лнцс онднирх й мхл, ъ лнцс пюгцнбюпхбюрэ я мхлх, онрнлс врн щрн нкхлохияйхе
нм онднь╗к й мхл х яопняхк опн ху пегскэрюрш, "ъ хг хгпюхкъ, йюй бш бшярсохкх?"
He said, "Ankie, that's exactly what the Olympics are all about.
Here I can go to them and talk to them. That's what the Olympics are about. "
So he went over and he asked how were your results and I'm from Israel, and how did it go?
"юмйх, щрн бедэ нкхлохюдю, гдеяэ ъ лнцс онднирх й мхл, ъ лнцс пюгцнбюпхбюрэ я мхлх, онрнлс врн щрн нкхлохияйхе хцпш".
нм онднь╗к й мхл х яопняхк опн ху пегскэрюрш, "ъ хг хгпюхкъ, йюй бш бшярсохкх?"
й лнелс хгслкемхч, ъ сбхдекю, врн елс ярюкх нрбевюрэ. х нмх онфхлюкх елс псйх х пюгцнбюпхбюкх я мхл, х яопюьхбюкх опн ецн пегскэрюрш.
Here I can go to them and talk to them. That's what the Olympics are about. "
So he went over and he asked how were your results and I'm from Israel, and how did it go?
To my big amazement, I saw that the people responded and they shook hands with him and they talked to him...
нм онднь╗к й мхл х яопняхк опн ху пегскэрюрш, "ъ хг хгпюхкъ, йюй бш бшярсохкх?"
й лнелс хгслкемхч, ъ сбхдекю, врн елс ярюкх нрбевюрэ. х нмх онфхлюкх елс псйх х пюгцнбюпхбюкх я мхл,
ъ мхйнцдю ме гюасдс, йюй нм онбепмскяъ х онь╗к йн лме... я скшайни мю кхже х яйюгюк,
So he went over and he asked how were your results and I'm from Israel, and how did it go?
To my big amazement, I saw that the people responded and they shook hands with him and they talked to him...
Ankie Spitzer and they asked him about his results. I'll never forget when he turned around and came back towards me with this huge smile on his face and said...
й лнелс хгслкемхч, ъ сбхдекю, врн елс ярюкх нрбевюрэ. х нмх онфхлюкх елс псйх х пюгцнбюпхбюкх я мхл, х яопюьхбюкх опн ецн пегскэрюрш.
ъ мхйнцдю ме гюасдс, йюй нм онбепмскяъ х онь╗к йн лме... я скшайни мю кхже х яйюгюк,
"рш бхдекю?
To my big amazement, I saw that the people responded and they shook hands with him and they talked to him...
Ankie Spitzer and they asked him about his results. I'll never forget when he turned around and came back towards me with this huge smile on his face and said...
"You see?
"рш бхдекю?
щрн ашкн рн, н в╗л ъ леврюк"
янпебмнбюмхъ дкъ юмдпе х ецн йнлюмдш гюйнмвхкхяэ гю 10 дмеи. юмйх х нм онеуюкх б цнккюмдхч опнбедюрэ ябнч люкемэйсч днвэ юмсй, йнрнпсч нмх нярюбхкх я пндхрекълх юмйх.
"You see?
This is what I was dreaming about."
After ten days, Andre's fencers finished their competitions and he and Ankie traveled to Holland to spend time with their baby Anouk whom they had left in the care of Ankie's parents.
х йнцдю лш опхеуюкх мю бнйгюк, онегд сфе сь╗к.
ъ ашкю б нрвюъмхх, онрнлс врн дслюкю, врн с мецн асдср меопхърмнярх, йнцдю нм бепм╗ряъ мюгюд, б лчмуем
ъ яйюгюкю: "мер, дюбюи онопнасел ондзеуюрэ й дпсцни ярюмжхх, б 50 йл нрячдю"
We got to the train station, and the train had left.
I was desperate because I thought he's going to get in trouble when he gets back to Munich because they're waiting for him there. He said, "Well, another day with you."
I said, " No, let's try the other train station about 30 miles onwards."
ъ ашкю б нрвюъмхх, онрнлс врн дслюкю, врн с мецн асдср меопхърмнярх, йнцдю нм бепм╗ряъ мюгюд, б лчмуем, мн нм яйюгюк: "унпньн, еы╗ ндхм демэ ъ асдс я рнани."
ъ яйюгюкю: "мер, дюбюи онопнасел ондзеуюрэ й дпсцни ярюмжхх, б 50 йл нрячдю"
х лш онлвюкхяэ й дпсцни ярюмжхх, х б щимдунбеме лш сяоекх мю дпсцни онегд.
I was desperate because I thought he's going to get in trouble when he gets back to Munich because they're waiting for him there. He said, "Well, another day with you."
I said, " No, let's try the other train station about 30 miles onwards."
So we raced to the next station and in Eindhoven in Holland, that's where he jumped on the train.
онегд сфе ярнък мю ярюмжхх.
ъ дн яху онп онлмч, йюй ъ аефюкю бднкэ онегдю, х нм сеуюк.
ъ бхдекю ецн б онякедмхи пюг.
The train was already in the station.
I still remember me running next to the train and he left.
And that was the last time I saw him.
ъ дн яху онп онлмч, йюй ъ аефюкю бднкэ онегдю, х нм сеуюк.
ъ бхдекю ецн б онякедмхи пюг.
б мнвэ мю 4 яемръапъ, йнцдю юмдпе бепмскяъ б нкхлохияйсч депебмч, хгпюхкэяйюъ декецюжхъ мюякюфдюкюяэ реюрпюкэмни онярюмнбйни яоейрюйкъ "яйпхоюв мю йпшье".
I still remember me running next to the train and he left.
And that was the last time I saw him.
On the night of September 4, as Andre arrived back at the village the Israeli delegation was enjoying a night out at the theater watching Fiddler on the Roof.
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я псйнбндхрекел нпцюмхгюжхх... йнрнпши боепбше мюгбюк мюл назейр мюьеи юйжхх.
ъ онвсбярбнбюк яеаъ нвемэ цнпдшл... врн боепбше ъ яонянаем опнрхбнярнърэ хгпюхкэръмюл.
мюьх оюяонпрю х беых гюапюкх с мюя... врнаш ме ашкн мхйюйху мюлейнб мю рн, йрн лш.
There we met with the chief of the organization who for the first time told us what the target of our operation was.
I felt very proud that for the first time I was able to confront the Israelis.
Our passports and belongings were taken from us so there wouldn't be any clue as to who we were.
йнцдю лш оепеахпюкхяэ вепег нцпюфдемхе... лш бярперхкх цпсоос юлепхйюмяйху юркернб... йнрнпше бнгбпюыюкхяэ оняке мнвх.
ъ онлмч, врн нмх ашкх гднпнбн мюбеяеке.
лш оньсрхкх дпсц я дпсцнл, ю онрнл онлнцкх дпсц дпсцс оепекегрэ вепег гюанп.
As we were climbing over the fence we ran into a group of American athletes who were sneaking in after a night out.
I remember they were drunk.
The funny thing is that we actually helped each other to climb over.
лш оньсрхкх дпсц я дпсцнл, ю онрнл онлнцкх дпсц дпсцс оепекегрэ вепег гюанп.
ъ ондярюбхк ябнч псйс... х лш ондмъкх ндмнцн хг мху б депебмч.
лш яйюгюкх "яоюяхан" х "дн ябхдюмхъ".
The funny thing is that we actually helped each other to climb over.
I held my hand out and we lifted one of them into the village.
We said thank you and good-bye.
беимаепцеп явхрюк, врн нмх хлечр ьюмя нйюгюрэ янопнрхбкемхе х нднкерэ реппнпхярнб.
ъ бярюк я онярекх х оньек й бшундс... х намюпсфхк реппнпхярю... б йюочьнме х фекрнл ябхрепе.
реппнпхярш сфе депфюкх онд опхжекнл цюдю гюаюпх х ецн 5-У рнбюпхыеи он йнлмюре, йнцдю ръфекнюркер дюбхд аепцеп опедкнфхк юрюйнбюрэ реппнпхярнб,
Weinberger calculated that they might stand some chance of overpowering the terrorists.
I got out of bed and went outside only to find myself standing in front of a terrorist wearing a balaclava hood and a yellow sweater.
The terrorists were already holding all five of Gad Zabari's roommates. Now, weight lifter David Berger, suggests they attack the terrorists saying, "We have nothing to lose."
"мюл мевецн репърэ",- яйюгюк нм ябнхл рнбюпхыюл, мн аюмдхр бя╗ онмък, сдюпхк ецн юбрнлюрнл, х опхйюгюк бширх х мюопюбхрэяъ б юоюпрлемр #1.
[цЮД гЮАЮПХ] хрюй, ъ ашрэ оепбшл йюмдхдюрнл.
гю лмни лнх дпсгэъ х ондноевммше.
But a gunman understands and jabs a machine gun into Zabari's waist ordering him towards the exit and back to apartment number one.
And that's how I came to be the first in line.
My friends are behind me with their heads bowed.
гю лмни лнх дпсгэъ х ондноевммше.
ъ онвсбярбнбюк нрсокемхе, йнцдю бдпсц, ъ сбхдек... оепедн лмни дпсцнцн реппнпхярю б йюочьнме.
лме ярюкн онмърмшл опнхяундъыее.
My friends are behind me with their heads bowed.
I feel in a bit of a daze when suddenly I see another terrorist ahead of me, wearing a balaclava hood.
Suddenly the reality of what's happening hits me.
лме ярюкн онмърмшл опнхяундъыее.
йнцдю ъ ондньек акхфе, нм опхйюгюк лме опнирх б щрнл мюопюбкемхх.
мн йнцдю нм дюк щрнр опхйюг... ъ нррнкймск ецн йюкюьмхйнб б ярнпнмс.
Suddenly the reality of what's happening hits me.
As I get closer, he orders me in this direction.
But as he's giving me the order... I push his Kalashnikov aside and run.
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