Перевод "Shift" на английский
Произношение Shift
Shift – 30 результатов перевода
Спасибо, господин Хамфрей.
But when I come down again, let me shift for myself, as well as I can.
Прошу вас быть свидетелями того как я принимаю смерть
Thank you, Sir Humphrey.
But when I come down again, let me shift for myself, as well as I can.
I ask you to bear witness with me that I shall now suffer death in
Я забыл, как это делается!
Спасибо, Барт!
- I forget how to do that.
Thank you, Bart.
Этот поворот в сторону, называется "Локтевым отклонением", и это очень плохо.
рука используется для написания существенных по объему писем и чисел а также для нажатия клавиш Enter, Shift
- Что за чертовщина, о чем эта женщина вообще говорит?
That sideways twist is called an " ulnar deviation, " and it's very bad.
It has a right-hand bias toward the important letter and number keys and frequently used keys like Enter and Shift are near the weakest finger... -...forcing the wrist to absorb stress--
-What is this woman talking about?
Ctrl, не Shift
Давай лучше я сам.
Command, not shift.
Here, just let me do it.
Is Frank Cosgrove working today?
Yeah, but he just took off right in the middle of a shift.
Ok, do you know who the last customer is he served?
Is Frank Cosgrove working today?
Yeah, but he just took off right in the middle of a shift.
Ok, do you know who the last customer is he served?
- Все.
Знаю, сейчас неподходящий момент, но, на будущее - D+Shift в сочетании с восклицательным знаком означает
- Порядок, все что нужно - у меня багажнике.
- Everyone.
I know this isn't the best time to tell you this, but for future reference, the letter D plus the shift key plus exclamation mark means "direct to all."
- All right, I got everything in my trunk.
Да он же, блядь, остыл!
Joaquin, he ain't never show up for his overnight shift, so we don't know how long he's been laying up
You got a mortuary you need me to call for you?
He's fucking cold!
Joaquin, he ain't never show up for his overnight shift, so we don't know how long he's been laying up in there, dead.
You got a mortuary you need me to call for you?
When it's my day, I punch in, go home, nap, do shit with my boyfriend, come back, do Bobby, go back home, and still don't punch out.
I have one of the gals on the late shift punch me out at close.
Get paid for a double, and I only work 15 minutes.
When it's my day, I punch in, go home, nap, do shit with my boyfriend, come back, do Bobby, go back home, and still don't punch out.
I have one of the gals on the late shift punch me out at close.
Get paid for a double, and I only work 15 minutes.
I got seniority.
I got the evening Bobby shift, which is easy-peasy.
By then, basically his dick is just coughing up smoke.
I got seniority.
I got the evening Bobby shift, which is easy-peasy.
By then, basically his dick is just coughing up smoke.
I'm sorry.
Isn't there anything you can do as... as the Night Shift Chief?
I'm sorry.
Isn't there anything you can do as... as the Night Shift Chief?
Darryl Orton's brother has an alibi.
He was working a graveyard shift at a Roanoke pulp mill the last two nights.
Supervisor confirms it.
Darryl Orton's brother has an alibi.
He was working a graveyard shift at a Roanoke pulp mill the last two nights.
Supervisor confirms it.
Калеб, это не работает.
Ты нажала на Shift, когда вы ввели номера?
Я сделала именно то, что ты сказал мне сделать.
Caleb, it's not working.
Did you hit shift-command when you entered the numbers?
I did exactly what you told me to do.
Хочешь усомниться в капсе?
Он тратит время на то, чтобы зажимать клавишу shift, Мардж.
Думаю, он знает о чем говорит.
Are you gonna argue with caps? Why does that make it right?
He took the time to press the shift key, Marge.
I think he knows what he's talking about.
Я продолжаю нажимать на клавишу Shift, и опять этот звук ошибки.
I keep hitting the shift key, and I just get this error thing.
Знаю ли я...?
Конечно, я знаю, где клавиша shift.
Хорошо, я попробую другую.
Do I...?
Yes, of course I know what a shift key is.
Okay, I'll try the other one.
Но уверен, что перезвонит только один из них.
Эпизод №11 "The Grave Shift".
И куда всё это отправится?
I bet only one of them calls me back.
CSI Season09 Episode11 The Grave Shift
So where'd it all go?
Думаю, я нажимала Ctrl + Shift + D
I think I hold control, shift and D.
No. F.
Он в превосходном состоянии.
Убедитесь, что он возвращается, что по состоянию на конец "shift".
Где ты собираешься быть?
He is in perfect health.
Make sure he is returned that way at the end of the shift.
Where are you going to be?
Er... кровь просочилась сквозь мои скрабы. ћой erm... брюки тоже.
ѕоэтому € собираюсь сходить коммандос дл€ остальных shift.
Ёто действительно то, что вы пришли сюда сказать мне?
The er... blood soaked through my scrubs. My erm... pants too.
So I'm gonna have to go commando for the rest of the shift.
Is that really what you came here to tell me?
Boy, you look at you, young lady.
You're pulling a long shift tonight, huh?
Yeah, I don't sleep.
Boy, you look at you, young lady.
You're pulling a long shift tonight, huh?
Yeah, I don't sleep.
Фред, эй.
Cassie's shift just ended, and she invited me to an after-hours club, so... Oh.
Fred, hey.
Cassie's shift just ended, and she invited me to an after-hours club, so...
Сплошные заглавные.
Стю пролил соевый соус на клавиатуру, и теперь клавиша "shift" залипает.
Но меня это уже достало.
- Lots of caps. - [Groans]
Stu spilled soy sauce on my computer, and now the "shift" button is stuck.
But I am really worked up about this.
♪ I'm leaning, two-seater, we rolling ♪
♪ We speeding, stick shift, she holding... ♪
Значит ты передумал создавать свою группу?
♪ I'm leaning, two-seater, we rolling ♪
♪ We speeding, stick shift, she holding... ♪
So you're really not doing your little girl group?
- Что?
- Control+Alt+Shift, давай.
- What?
- It's control-alt-shift, just do it.
Nice! Wow.
Ты третий раздел проходишь?
Для вызова раздела помощи нажми Control-Shift-H.
Для примеров нажми...
Are you studying Section Three?
For help, press Control-Shift-H.
For sample questions, press...
Okay, that one might work on me.
My shift ends in an hour, if you're free.
Yeah, I might be.
Okay, that one might work on me.
My shift ends in an hour, if you're free.
Yeah, I might be.
We both know that that is impossible.
How often alliances shift in times of war.
Not that those alliances...
We both know that that is impossible.
How often alliances shift in times of war.
Not that those alliances...
You figured by the time I revealed myself, you'd be so deeply convinced you were Taylor...
Why shift your narrative more than we had to?
But... why?
You figured by the time I revealed myself, you'd be so deeply convinced you were Taylor...
Why shift your narrative more than we had to?
But... why?
- He wouldn't say.
He left mid-shift, without a word.
And he left the yard, didn't come back.
- He wouldn't say.
He left mid-shift, without a word.
And he left the yard, didn't come back.
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