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Произношение video footage

video footage – 30 результатов перевода

Дальше, когда будут звонить с проверкой, говоришь: "Да, есть такой, наш директор, годовая зарплата -- 50 000 долларов".
Я тупо отвечал на звонки в "RST Video":
"Да, Кевин Смит -- наш директор.
Fill them all out. Say that you're the manager of the store and you make $50,000 a year.
Then, when they call in to check, say, "Yes, he works here he is the manager, and he makes $50,000 a year."
They start sending you credit cards.
В содружестве с:
Japan Home Video, K2 Spirit, S.E.N.
Перевод на английский и тайминг: Captions, Inc.
Kei Fujiwara, Shinya Tsukamoto
Script Author, Director, Producer, Editor, etc.:
Разумеется, там есть отголоски реальной жизни.
Я и впрямь работал в "Квик-Стопе" и в "RST Video", -- вот, в общем-то, и всё.
И впрямь были такие, кто проверял дату на молоке, но не так, как дама в фильме, -- то моя мама, кстати.
But generally not.
There are instances of real life. I did work at Quick Stop and RST.
That's about where it stops. There were people that would check the date of the milk but not like the lady in the movie, who was my mom, incidentally.
Where did we go wrong?
It's the video games he plays.
I don't know.
Where did we go wrong?
It's the video games he plays.
I don't know.
He likes to draw, play soccer.
[ Chuckling ] Loves video games.
He asks about you.
He likes to draw, play soccer.
[ Chuckling ] Loves video games.
He asks about you.
That's... th... that's the wrong footage.
Yeah, this is footage that our clone drone shot.
- Is that Rob Lowe?
That's... th... that's the wrong footage.
Yeah, this is footage that our clone drone shot.
- Is that Rob Lowe?
Oh, oh... whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's... th... that's the wrong footage.
Yeah, this is footage that our clone drone shot.
Oh, oh... whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's... th... that's the wrong footage.
Yeah, this is footage that our clone drone shot.
Well, well, well... if it isn't the couch-boosters.
You look so much different in real life than you do on grainy surveillance video.
I love "The Outsiders."
Well, well, well... if it isn't the couch-boosters.
You look so much different in real life than you do on grainy surveillance video.
I love "The Outsiders."
I work on the Tube, on the District Line, and part of my job is to wipe the security footage after it's
I was just whizzing through and I found something a bit bizarre.
I work on the Tube, on the District Line, and part of my job is to wipe the security footage after it's been cleared.
I was just whizzing through and I found something a bit bizarre.
Для тебя звонок!
Берри Клэйнман из Future Video?
Call for you!
Berry Kleinman on the phone from Future Video?
- Who?
We got another on top.
OSS, maintain camera footage.
We got another on top.
OSS, maintain camera footage.
Graham was in Mexico replacing his stash.
You know, the video at the Border Patrol confirms that, so it backs up his story.
Well, at least you were able to arrest him on possession with intent.
Graham was in Mexico replacing his stash.
You know, the video at the Border Patrol confirms that, so it backs up his story.
Well, at least you were able to arrest him on possession with intent.
Supervisor confirms it.
As does security camera footage.
Contact with anyone besides the brother this past week?
Supervisor confirms it.
As does security camera footage.
Contact with anyone besides the brother this past week?
Come on, Abby, you're all I've got.
I suck at this computer stuff, and your Wonder Twin is at his video game geek social tonight.
That's not till next week.
Come on, Abby, you're all I've got.
I suck at this computer stuff, and your Wonder Twin is at his video game geek social tonight.
That's not till next week.
Я взял её под своё крыло и это было задолго до того, как она начала учить меня...
[Key clacks, video fast-forwarding]
[Key clacks]
I took her under my wing. And, uh, it wasn't long before she was teaching me.
[Key clacks, video fast-forwarding]
[Key clacks]
Он свернул на Хемптон.
I'll start pulling more footage.
Возможно я смогу определить его местонахождение.
He turned left on Hampton.
I'll start pulling more footage.
Maybe I can track where he's headed.
Я ничего вам не скажу. Ты расскажешь нам, все, что мы пожелаем или будешь играть в
"Инопланетянин: The video game"!
Нет! Нет!
93601-- We have ways of making you talk.
"Twilight," by Stephenie Meyer.
You wouldn't dare.
Танцевальный конкурс?
Для Music Video Nation, для их Big Spring Break Special.
Победитель получает $5000, что... очень поможет мне с оплатой за колледж.
- A dance contest? - For Music Video Nation.
For their big Spring Break special.
And the winner gets $5000, which would really help with my college loans.
- Я знаю-знаю, но...
Ребята из "Долины" - гости на Music Video Nation.
Я хочу их увидеть.
I know that, but...
The cast of The Valley are guest VJs on Music Video Nation.
I have to see that.
Желе из пончиков.
Эй, это не Video Music Awards.
Итак, Дэвид и страховой следователь сделали опись всех украденных украшений.
Jelly donut.
Hey, it's not the vmas.
So, david and the insurance investigator Inventoried all the stolen jewelry,
Didn't you play anything when you grew up?
No sports, no video games?
I watched a lot of movies.
Didn't you play anything when you grew up?
No sports, no video games?
I watched a lot of movies.
А я просто пытаюсь тебе сказать "Подожди секундочку"! ОК, спокойно...
Теперь, кликни на "import video file".
And so, over time, we kept having to add new gags...
- Like this one.
...because it was still short.
What's Andy doing here?
They're making a video for his girlfriend. Да?
Как оно называлось?
What's Andy doing here?
They're making a video for his girlfriend.
Малик, следи за офисом.
I'm rolling out to grab that tollbooth footage.
On it.
Malik, cover the office.
I'm rolling out to grab that tollbooth footage.
On it.
And there's another employee bringing you back to another slot machine.
Probably why they didn't send this footage over на первом месте.
Что это?
And there's another employee bringing you back to another slot machine.
Probably why they didn't send this footage over in the first place.
What is that?
Ange, in 1963 the positions of the Soviet nuclear fleet were sewn into the lining of a hunting cap.
The Video Spectral Comparator should be able to tell us what was once on here.
You never know.
Ange, in 1963 the positions of the Soviet nuclear fleet were sewn into the lining of a hunting cap.
The Video Spectral Comparator should be able to tell us what was once on here.
You never know.
Чед, ты уверен, что готов к этому?
You did a wonderful thing today, capturing that footage on your cell phone.
Я рад, что ты сказал мне идти.
Chad, you sure you're ready for this?
You did a wonderful thing today, capturing that footage on your cell phone.
I'm glad you told me to go.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The lnternet killed the video star
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The Internet killed the video star
Это телефон с камерой.
Whatever a video phone is.
You should kill us all on sight.
This is a video phone.
Whatever a video phone is.
You should kill us all on sight.
Oh, Marissa, this is Erin Silver, the videographer I was telling you about.
Oh, so you're the video whiz.
I guess, yeah, sort of.
Oh, Marissa, this is Erin Silver, the videographer I was telling you about.
Oh, so you're the video whiz.
I guess, yeah, sort of.
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