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Listen , point and repeat. – 30 результатов перевода

Я думаю что это повлияло. I think that's correct.
But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view они знали то, что, в некотором смысле,
Мы пытались убить Кастро... We had attempted to assassinate Castro при Эйзенхауэре и Кеннеди, и позже, при Джонсоне. ...under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and later, under Johnson.
I think that's correct.
But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view they knew what, in a sense, I really didn't know.
We had attempted to assassinate Castro under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and later, under Johnson.
Но что делает это безнравственным - если вы проигрываете войну, и не безнравственным - если вы выигрываете войну?
-At some point, we have to approach Vietnam, and I want to know как вы можете лучше всего это обьяснить
-Да, что-ж...
But what makes it immoral if you lose and not immoral if you win?
At some point, we have to approach Vietnam, and I want to know how you can best set that up for me.
Yeah, well that's a hard, hard question. I think...
- Патрик!
And when we meet it a good sensation listen to my heart beat
It's a love beat
# And when we meet it's a good sensation # # listen to my heart beat #
# It's a love beat #
It's a love beat
And when we meet it's a good sensation listen to my heart pound listen to my love sound
Патрик, просто обещай, что ты позвонишь им, ладно?
# It's a love beat #
# And when we meet it's a good sensation # # listen to my heart pound # # listen to my love sound #
Patrick, just promise me you'll call them, okay?
It's a love beat
And a love beat is a good vibration listen to my heart beat
- Могу я вам чем-то помочь? - Я живу здесь.
# It's a love beat #
# And a love beat is a good vibration # # listen to my heart beat ## Can I help you?
Uh, this is where I live.
- (Говорит невнятно) - # And I'm sick with an instrument #
# Listen to the drumline And all I got is more fire to come #
# A lot of cats is nice But I'm liver than them #
- [No Audible Dialogue] - ♪ And I'm sick with an instrument ♪
♪ Listen to the drumline And all I got is mo' fire to come ♪
♪ A lot of cats is nice But I'm liver than them ♪
Who is this?
This is Agent Jareau and Agent Morgan with the FBI, and I need you to stay calm and listen to me carefully
Who is this?
This is Agent Jareau and Agent Morgan with the FBI, and I need you to stay calm and listen to me carefully.
Up to this point, he still looks like a good Samaritan.
All right, rewind it to the point where he puts her up against the tree and then play it back in slow-motion
Right there.
Up to this point, he still looks like a good Samaritan.
All right, rewind it to the point where he puts her up against the tree and then play it back in slow-motion.
Right there.
Mr. De Groot's inclined to hand you over to the crew.
He's given me exactly five minutes, at which point he intends to call council so Randall can share his
Что это?
Mr. De Groot's inclined to hand you over to the crew.
He's given me exactly five minutes, at which point he intends to call council so Randall can share his story, after which our hands are clean and you are most likely, well, dead.
What's that?
Because my concern is with the cost of American lives, here and in combat.
Sloan, you didn't mention that a $50 million F-16 has to be flown by a pilot who is somebody's father and
Now, Dr. Cochran, I can appreciate that you're an ethicist, but we don't face an ethical dilemma.
Because my concern is with the cost of American lives, here and in combat.
Sloan, you didn't mention that a $50 million F-16 has to be flown by a pilot who is somebody's father and that he can be shot down by a shoulder-mounted, point-and-shoot Stinger.
Now, Dr. Cochran, I can appreciate that you're an ethicist, but we don't face an ethical dilemma.
We've got to get out of this lifeboat.
Shut up and listen to me.
You screwed up getting the ship so Garaad says bring back that captain or don't come back at all.
We've got to get out of this lifeboat.
Shut up and listen to me.
You screwed up getting the ship so Garaad says bring back that captain or don't come back at all.
He had motive to kill his wife, there were no signs of forced entry, so she probably knew her attacker, his gun was the murder weapon.
But there were no prints on it, and he does have a point.
He'd have to be an idiot to kill her this way.
He had motive to kill his wife, there were no signs of forced entry, so she probably knew her attacker, his gun was the murder weapon.
But there were no prints on it, and he does have a point.
He'd have to be an idiot to kill her this way.
Damn it, Nana.
Look, the point is, I realize now that I took advantage of you, and that was not cool.
Damn it, Nana.
Look, the point is, I realize now that I took advantage of you, and that was not cool.
Maybe just sit there.
Point is, I look at you, I get sick, and then I'm cured of this terrible habit.
Dale: [ Scoffs ] I don't know.
Maybe just sit there.
Point is, I look at you, I get sick, and then I'm cured of this terrible habit.
I don't know.
We've gotten a lot better since then.
Hey, listen, there's obviously something between us or Anne wouldn't have set us up in the first place
Пойдём в дамскую комнату.
We've gotten a lot better since then.
Hey, listen, there's obviously something between us or Anne wouldn't have set us up in the first place, and I woke up this morning smiling for the first time in a long time because I knew I was gonna see you.
Let's go to the ladies' room.
Just wait one second.
Before you beat me and make me cry in front of my besties, I got something to tell you, and you're gonna
You're a bad father!
Just wait one second.
Before you beat me and make me cry in front of my besties, I got something to tell you, and you're gonna listen, old man.
You're a bad father!
Announcer: ... For three, and it's good.
He is just 3 of 13 behind the arch, and he puts up a big three to give his team a four-point lead.
[ Speaking indistinctly] Это высокоточный спектр хронического курильщика марихуаны.
For three, and it's good.
He is just 3 of 13 behind the arch, and he puts up a big three to give his team a four-point lead.
This is a high-resolution S.P.E.C.T. Image of a chronic marijuana user.
- I don't know. Why would you? - I don't.
Listen, if you wanna move on up, and pay a fortune to live in some hole in the wall in the 1-O-O's...
It's fine by me. 1-1's will get along just groovy without you.
The psychologist and the podiatrist, so there's a lot of foot traffic, no pun intended.
You got a hard drive for these?
DVR's been out a while.
is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna
she pulled herself together and split without goodbye the others could forget her she was hooked on just
is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna.
is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna
she pulled herself together and split without goodbye the others could forget her she was hooked on just one guy if you want a happy ending one is on the way listen to your heart and what it has to say
is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna is it all about you or all about me or all about a girl named Anna.
Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above
Мне нужно вернуть Алекса.
Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above
I need to get Alex back.
? 'Cause you talk to the ocean ?
And you listen to the birds ?
? Everyone around you ?
# 'Cause you talk to the ocean #
# And you listen to the birds #
# Everyone around you #
Поверьте мне, была бы на синтезаторе или драм-машине кнопка с надписью "хит сингл", я бы нажимал на неё так же часто, как и любой другой, но такой кнопки нет.
Все сочинялось живыми людьми, и игралось руками to the point where Paul and I thought we were gonna get
MUSIC: "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)" by Eurythmics
Believe me, if there was a button on a synth or a drum machine that said, "hit single", I would have pressed it as often as anybody else would have, but there isn't.
It was all written by real human beings and it was all played by hand, to the point where Paul and I thought we were gonna get arthritis in our fingers from playing bass lines like that for hours on end.
MUSIC: "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)" by Eurythmics
Еще как!
you can come back, baby * * rock 'n' roll never forgets * * ooooh, the band's still playin' it loud and
* all you got to do is just make that scene *
Hell yeah!
* you can come back, baby * [ louder ] * rock 'n' roll never forgets * * ooooh, the band's still playin' it loud and lean * * listen to the guitar player makin' it scream *
* all you got to do is just make that scene *
But they woke up in hell...
Heathens be warned, you better listen to me, or it's fire and brimstone, for eternity.
Repent all you sinners, 'cause your life is at stake, you better pray the Lord, for your soul to take.
But they woke up in hell...
Heathens be warned, you better listen to me, or it's fire and brimstone, for eternity.
Repent all you sinners, 'cause your life is at stake, you better pray the Lord, for your soul to take.
Repent all you sinners, 'cause your life is at stake, you better pray the Lord, for your soul to take.
Heathens be warned, you better listen to me, or it's fire and brimstone, for eternity.
Repent all you sinners, 'cause your life is at stake, you better pray the Lord, for your soul to take.
Repent all you sinners, 'cause your life is at stake, you better pray the Lord, for your soul to take.
Heathens be warned, you better listen to me, or it's fire and brimstone, for eternity.
Repent all you sinners, 'cause your life is at stake, you better pray the Lord, for your soul to take.
Billions and billions of them, for billions and billions of years.
And every single one of them, at some point in their lives, will look back at this man, taking that very
Billions and billions of them, for billions and billions of years.
And every single one of them, at some point in their lives, will look back at this man, taking that very first step, and they will never, ever forget it.
Несколько грамм.
Lets us confirm point of origin and his level of commitment.
If he gets caught, they'll kill him.
Couple grams.
Lets us confirm point of origin and his level of commitment.
If he gets caught, they'll kill him.
Uh, I think Dr. Saroyan has taken issue with me keeping company with Michelle.
Maybe with you being a mother and all, you might be able to help me see her point of view?
Well, at this stage,
Uh, I think Dr. Saroyan has taken issue with me keeping company with Michelle.
Maybe with you being a mother and all, you might be able to help me see her point of view?
Well, at this stage,
People have suffered and died.
But what's the point in two hearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving now and then.
People have suffered and died.
But what's the point in two hearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving now and then.
Something, I hope.
Or maybe you could just listen a minute, because all I really want to do is accept your total surrender
You've been interfering in human history for thousands of years.
Something, I hope.
Or maybe you could just listen a minute, because all I really want to do is accept your total surrender, and then I'll let you go in peace.
You've been interfering in human history for thousands of years.
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