Перевод "we" на английский
Произношение we
we – 30 результатов перевода
Кареев прав.
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
Karev's right.
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
We don't need the flash cards.
We are independently brilliant.
- Dream team.
We don't need the flash cards.
We are independently brilliant.
- Dream team.
Just one look, and my heart went boom
Suddenly, we were on the...
Пинту и две эксты.
Just one look, and my heart went boom
Suddenly, we were on the...
A pint and two Es.
She has legendary flash cards.
We don't need the flash cards.
We are independently brilliant.
She has legendary flash cards.
We don't need the flash cards.
We are independently brilliant.
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
- привет... - привет... Я не видела тебя несколько дней
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
I haven't seen you in a few days.
Hey, here's an idea.
Why don't we use our wedding china today?
Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion.
Hey, here's an idea.
Why don't we use our wedding china today?
Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion.
Where's the baby?
- We just put her down for a nap.
Listen, I was just thinking.
Where's the baby?
- We just put her down for a nap.
Listen, I was just thinking.
Amy, see, we're a lot closer to Monica and Chandler.
We see them every day.
And truthfully, you don't seem connected to the baby.
Amy, see, we're a lot closer to Monica and Chandler.
We see them every day.
And truthfully, you don't seem connected to the baby.
I mean, that you would trust me with your child.
I mean, we all know that Monica and I have been trying to have a baby of our own.
You know, I've had my doubts about my skills as a father, but...
I mean, that you would trust me with your child.
I mean, we all know that Monica and I have been trying to have a baby of our own.
You know, I've had my doubts about my skills as a father, but...
- Setting the table.
We thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert too.
Как это мило!
- Setting the table.
We thought it might be nice to use the fancy china for dessert too.
How nice.
Вернись к антиквариату.
(# композиция "Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush")
- Как твои дела, Билли?
Back to the antiques.
(# "Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush" on xylophone)
- How are you today, Billy?
You're taking this the wrong way.
We think you are going to be a wonderful parent.
It's just...
You're taking this the wrong way.
We think you are going to be a wonderful parent.
It's just...
Oh, my God, I've lost the will to scold.
Look, Amy we got a little a little out-of-control over there.
And I'm sorry.
Oh, my God, I've lost the will to scold.
Look, Amy we got a little a little out-of-control over there.
And I'm sorry.
Who would suspect a cop?
We have to warn Lana.
А кто заподозрит копа? Мы должны предупредить Лану.
Who would suspect a cop?
We have to warn Lana.
If one is the kidnapper, he knows Lana's seeing through his eyes.
Я так и сказал Эллис сегодня днём.
- You're content to go on as we are...
- Эллис.
It's what I said to Alice this afternoon.
- You're content to go on as we are...
- Alice.
Why don't we use our wedding china today?
Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion.
You could treat me like I'm an equal or talk down to me like I'm a child.
Why don't we use our wedding china today?
Or we could save them for a fancy special occasion.
You could treat me like I'm an equal or talk down to me like I'm a child.
You could treat me like I'm an equal or talk down to me like I'm a child.
No, I just think we should save our china for something really special.
Like if the queen of England comes over.
You could treat me like I'm an equal or talk down to me like I'm a child.
No, I just think we should save our china for something really special.
Like if the queen of England comes over.
They're expensive.
What is the point of having them if we never use them?
They're expensive.
What is the point of having them if we never use them?
For the rest of our lives I'll be careful until told otherwise.
- This isn't the china we picked out.
- I know.
For the rest of our lives I'll be careful until told otherwise.
- This isn't the china we picked out.
- I know.
We don't live there, but...
We don't live there, but...
- Well, who would?
Well, we haven't officially asked them yet but we would want Monica and Chandler.
- Who?
- Well, who would?
Well, we haven't officially asked them yet but we would want Monica and Chandler.
- Who?
ƒа, все всегда кажетс€ намного €рче, когда послушаешь...
(играет песн€ Ѕилли "Because We Want To")
ѕростите, боюсь, € не говорю по-французски.
Yes, things always seem much brighter after you've heard...
("Because We Want To" by Billie on record player)
I'm so sorry, I'm afraid I don't speak French.
Возможно мы делаем ту же самую ошибку три раза...
And we all do.
У нас не будет возможности понять что мы ошибались, после применения ядерного оружия.
And we all do.
Maybe we make the same mistake three times but hopefully not four or five.
There'll be no learning period with nuclear weapons.
Они думали что 20 штук прибывает на судне именуемом "Полтава". They thought 20 were coming on a ship named the "Poltava".
We mobilized 180,000 troops.
В первый день воздушной атаки было запланировано 1080 вылетов... The first day's air attack was planned at 1080 sorties огромное воздушное нападение. ...a huge air attack.
They thought 20 were coming on a ship named the Poltava.
We mobilized 180,000 troops.
The first day's air attack was planned at 1080 sorties a huge air attack.
Let's totally destroy Cuba."
On that critical Saturday, October 27th у нас было два послания от Хрущева лежавшие перед нами. ...we
одно пришло в ночь пятницы, и оно было задиктовано... One had come in Friday night, and it had been dictated человеком который либо был пьян, либо находился под огромным стрессом. ...by a man who was either drunk, or under tremendous stress.
Let's totally destroy Cuba."
On that critical Saturday, October 27th we had two Khrushchev messages in front of us.
One had come in Friday night, and it had been dictated by a man who was either drunk, or under tremendous stress.
Что делать?
We had the soft message and the hard message.
Под рукой у президента Кенеди был Томми Томпсон... At the elbow of President Kennedy was Tommy Thompson бывший американский посол в Москве. ...former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow.
So, what to do?
We had the soft message and the hard message.
At the elbow of President Kennedy was Tommy Thompson former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow.
Но что еще более важно, с кубинской и российской точек зрения... But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view они знали то, что, в некотором смысле, я действительно не знал. ...they knew what, in a sense, I really didn't know.
We had attempted to assassinate Castro при Эйзенхауэре и Кеннеди, и позже, при Джонсоне. ...under Eisenhower
И в дополнение к этому, главные голоса в США призывали к вторжению. And in addition to that, major voices in the U.S. were calling for invasion.
But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view they knew what, in a sense, I really didn't know.
We had attempted to assassinate Castro under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and later, under Johnson.
And in addition to that, major voices in the U.S. Were calling for invasion.
В первом сообщении Хрущев сказал:
"We and you ought not pull on the ends of a rope... "...на которой у нас завязан узел войны.
"Поскольку чем больше оба из нас тянут... "Because the more the two of us pull... "...тем крепче узел будет затянут.
In the first message, Khrushchevsaid this:
"We and you ought not pull on the ends of a rope which you have tied the knots of war.
Because the more the two of us pull the tighter the knot will be tied.
Мой заместитель и я пришли на заседание пятёрки высших руководителей... My deputy and I brought the five chiefs over и мы сели с Кеннеди. И он сказал, "Господа, мы победили.
I don't want you ever to say it, but you know we won, I know we won."
А ЛеМэй сказал: "Победили? Чёрт, мы проиграли! And LeMay said: "Won?
My deputy and I brought the five chiefs over and we sat down with Kennedy.
And he said, "Gentlemen, we won. I don't want you ever to say it, but you know we won, I know we won."
And LeMay said, "Won?
А ЛеМэй сказал: "Победили? Чёрт, мы проиграли! And LeMay said: "Won?
Hell, we lost!
Мы должны войти и вмазать им сегодня-же." We should go in and wipe them out today."
And LeMay said, "Won?
Hell, we lost!
We should go in and wipe them out today."
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