Перевод "Trafalgar square" на английский

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Trafalgar square – 30 результатов перевода

Let's all go down to Oxford Circus
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square.
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square.
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
Mind the gap.
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus, past Trafalgar Square...
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
Mind the gap.
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus, past Trafalgar Square...
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
I've got to go to "gotty, plotty"...
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square...
Charing Cross.
I've got to go to "gotty, plotty"...
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square...
Charing Cross.
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square.
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square.
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
Mind the gap.
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus, past Trafalgar Square...
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
Mind the gap.
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus, past Trafalgar Square...
And then from Charing Cross right up to Euston.
I've got to go to "gotty, plotty"...
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square...
Charing Cross.
I've got to go to "gotty, plotty"...
Let's all go down to Oxford Circus past Trafalgar Square...
Charing Cross.
Мне звонил Манетти.
Сказал что твое предложение по Sunshine Square полная хуйня.
Что с ним не так?
I got a call from Manetti.
He tells me that your Sunshine Square proposal is totally fucked.
What's wrong with it?
Букер, сделай две копии этой петиции, заверь, и отправь на Лэнгли 34, а потом...
что твои ребята работают над арбитражом, а я тебе пять раз повторял, чтобы они работали над Sunshine Square
Так, Sunshine Square я вчера закрыл, и теперь они помогают мне с арбитражом, и я был бы признателен, если бы вы позволили мне самому руководить своей командой, а не хватали за жопу каждый раз, как я собираюсь что-то сделать.
Booker, make two copies of this petition, have it notarized, and then messenger it over to 34 Langley, and then I need-
Listen, Donald tells me you got these guys working prep for the arbitration. I told you five times, I want them working the Sunshine Square deal.
Well, I locked the Sunshine Square deal yesterday, so now I have them helping with the arbitration, and I'd appreciate it if you let me handle my own team, and don't get on my ass every time I'm trying to do something.
Слушай, Дональд говорит, что твои ребята работают над арбитражом, а я тебе пять раз повторял, чтобы они работали над Sunshine Square.
Так, Sunshine Square я вчера закрыл, и теперь они помогают мне с арбитражом, и я был бы признателен,
Listen, Donald tells me you got these guys working prep for the arbitration. I told you five times, I want them working the Sunshine Square deal.
Well, I locked the Sunshine Square deal yesterday, so now I have them helping with the arbitration, and I'd appreciate it if you let me handle my own team, and don't get on my ass every time I'm trying to do something.
All right.
Way over in the corner weeping all alone
The warden said Buddy, don't you be no square
If you can't get a partner use a wooden chair
Way over in the corner weeping all alone
The warden said Buddy, don't you be no square
If you can't get a partner use a wooden chair
The bunny hopped there.
The bunny hop-hopped to the top of the square.
The bunny hopped there.
"The bunny hop-hopped to the top of the square."
Song and Dance, Last McCoy, the Real McCoy,
Square Deal, Female Touch.
- У этого хорошие шансы.
Song and Dance, Last McCoy, the Real McCoy...
Square Deal, Female Touch.
- That's a good one.
Независимо от того, что случится с нами, самое важное... чтобы здание было уничтожено немедленно.
Это был репортаж из Madison Square Garden... с вами Одри Тиммонс для WIDF.
Спасибо, Одри.
Regardless of what happens to us, the most important thing... is that this building be destroyed immediately before they escape.
Reporting live from Madison Square Garden... this is Audrey Timmonds for WIDF News.
Thanks, Audrey.
Мы ведём репортаж из Madison Square Garden... где д-р Нико Татопулос обнаружил логово зверя.
Доктор, расскажите нам, что здесь происходит.
We're live inside Madison Square Garden... where Dr. Niko Tatopoulos has discovered the beast's lair.
Doctor, can you tell us what's happening here?
Повторяю ещё раз.
Я хочу чтобы вы взорвали Madison Square Garden.
Хорошая новость - до военных дошло.
Let me spell it out for you.
I want you to blow up Madison Square Garden.
The good news is they got that message.
# Goodbye, Piccadilly
# Farewell, Leicester Square
# It's a long, long way to Tipperary
# Goodbye, Piccadilly
# Farewell, Leicester Square
# It's a long, long way to Tipperary
Edgware Road and Baker Street.
Great Portland Street and Euston Square.
Barbican and Aldgate East and change for Tower Hill.
Edgware Road and Baker Street.
Great Portland Street and Euston Square.
Barbican and Aldgate East and change for Tower Hill.
Это великолепно.
about the new sneeze guards on the salad bar, and then tomorrow night is the tree lighting in town square
Рождество будет спасено.
That is great.
Tonight I'll take her to the Rammer Jammer and get Wally to tell her all about the new sneeze guards on the salad bar, and then tomorrow night is the tree lighting in town square, so not a second for us to be alone.
Christmas is saved.
Что случилось?
Мы далеко от Grosvenor Square, не правда ли, Мистер Дарси.
Я никогда не видел столько красавиц.
What's the matter?
We are a long way from Grosvenor Square, are we not, Mr Darcy?
I've never seen so many pretty girls.
Робби чувствует, что Джим был растерян, увидев Мика Джаггера, сидящего в первом ряду с Памэлой на коленях.
Они дали аншлаговые концерты в "Madison Square Garden" и "L.A.
Первый концерт пройдёт в Майами.
Robby feels Jim was distracted by Mick Jagger sitting in the front row with Pam on his lap.
They sell out Madison Square Garden and The LA Forum, and in early 1969, their manager, Bill Siddons, books their first extensive US tour.
They'll hit 19 cities.
# To fend there for yourself
# I see you out sometimes enjoying the square
# The mademoiselles
# To fend there for yourself
# I see you out sometimes enjoying the square
# The mademoiselles
21x19 Симпсоны "Наглец и Кит" Выход на экраны 25 Апреля 2010
Конфликт, старый как карандаш и бумага... two mighty armies square off in a battle между крестиками и
Помни, мой сын, тот, кто контролирует центр, контролирует и доску.
♪ The Simpsons 21x19 ♪ The Squirt and the Whale Original Air Date on April 25, 2010
In a conflict as old as pencil and paper... two mighty armies square off in a battle between cross and circle...
Remember my son, the one who controls the center controls the board.
Я назову это услугой.
It's hip to be square...
♪ Так пойте же со мной ♪
I called in a favor.
♪ It's hip to be square... ♪
♪ Oh, boy, it's swell to say ♪
Мы отправились в театр "Circle in the Square", сердце Таймс Сквер, пульс Нью-Йорка.
Так интересно.
Let'sgo. Comeon.
WeheadofftoCircleinthe Square theater, right there in the heart of Times Square, the heart of Broadway, like the pulse of New York.
Только песня "Hip to Be Square"
будет скрывать твои мальчишеские крики.
No nothing.
Just the song "Hip to Be Square"
drowning out your boyish screams.
Но там было больше, чем один коп.
Антонио в Logan Square.
Говорит, ты ему там нужен.
I don't know. But it was more than just the cop on there.
[Door opens] Antonio's in Logan Square.
He's saying he needs you down there.
So you decided to get rid of Caitlin.
That was tricky, because the paparazzi was around, so you asked her to meet you in Times Square.
Schlubby guy, practically is invisible in a crowd.
So you decided to get rid of Caitlin.
That was tricky, because the paparazzi was around, so you asked her to meet you in Times Square.
Schlubby guy, practically is invisible in a crowd.
He called you today for help, you told him to get lost.
He told us that you had him blackmail the Times Square store clerk to shut off a surveillance camera.
So that you literally could get away with murder.
He called you today for help, you told him to get lost.
He told us that you had him blackmail the Times Square store clerk to shut off a surveillance camera.
So that you literally could get away with murder.
No, it's... it's good that you're keen, it's just that in this business, you know, timing is everything.
Do you want me to go down to the cells, square you with that drug dealer?
I'd be happy to if you want me to.
No, it's... it's good that you're keen, it's just that in this business, you know, timing is everything.
Do you want me to go down to the cells, square you with that drug dealer?
I'd be happy to if you want me to.
Where have you been?
Oh, I was just in the lounge getting square with Peck.
Where have you been?
Oh, I was just in the lounge getting square with Peck.
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