Перевод "tie-dyed" на английский

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tie-dyed – 29 результатов перевода

- Нет.
Здесь важно само написание: "lie" и "tie". Какие животные начинаются на "lie" и "tie"?
Львы и тигры!
- (Stephen) Not bluebirds.
No, if I say it should be "lie lie" and "tie tie", it's because it's something to do with "lie" and "tie".
What animals begin with "lie" and "tie"? - Lions and tigers. - (Stephen) Lions and tigers.
В каждом транзисторе, каждом холодильнике... каждом моторе, каждом видеомагнитофоне эта дьявольская раса... вышедшая из самого центра ада...
Now tie its paw.
Отлично, вы поймали роадраннера (птица такая =).
In every transistor, every refrigerator... every motor, every video, this diabolic race... thrown up from the very center of hell...
Now tie its paw.
Well, you've caught a roadrunner.
Ёто же так дорого! "ато от Ћуи!
l got another bow tie.
- lf the fates allow ќ!
- Oh, sweetheart, it's so expensive.
- Hey, from Louie. I got another bow tie.
- lf the fates allow
А сегодня насыщенная ночка.
[игра слов: black-tie - галстук-бабочка]
Ок, а вот это наверно тусовка Мэг.
Oh, it's a busy night.
There's a black-tie event-- that's all black and Thai chicks.
Okay, this must be Meg's thing.
CSU just swabbed the bottle for evidence, which we'll compare against this, which will put you at Frank's place.
How long till we tie you into the murder and kidnapping?
No, I didn't kill anyone and I have nothing nothing to do with that little girl.
CSU just swabbed the bottle for evidence, which we'll compare against this, which will put you at Frank's place.
How long till we tie you into the murder and kidnapping?
No, I didn't kill anyone and I have nothing nothing to do with that little girl.
# These days I go down town
# In my tie and tails
# I got a foetus
# These days I go down town
# In my tie and tails
# I got a foetus
It's the Americans.
Get something to tie the doors.
Alabama lifeboat, this is Frank Castellano, commander of the USS Bainbridge.
It's the Americans.
Get something to tie the doors.
Alabama lifeboat, this is Frank Castellano, commander of the USS Bainbridge.
Tie him!
Tie him!
If you were?
We could just tie my basketon the back.
I think that would bethe best solution.
If you were?
We could just tie my basket on the back.
I think that would be the best solution.
And now it's yours.
Your bow tie?
Does this mean you'll stop banging Arianna?
And now it's yours.
Your bow tie?
Does this mean you'll stop banging Arianna?
Он не мог читать ноты, но был фантастически талантлив.
Он написал "White Christmas", не говоря уж о "Top Hat, White Tie".
Он прожил достаточно долго, чтобы увидеть, как его собственные песни лишаются копирайта, потому что его первый хит вышел в 1911м году, с Alexander's Ragtime Band.
He couldn't read music, he was fantastically talented,
He wrote White Christmas, let alone Top Hat, White Tie.
He lived long enough to be able to see his own songs go out of copyright, because his first hit was in 1911, with Alexander's Ragtime Band.
И парень говорит: "Может еще галстук-селедку?"
А тот ему: "Да, с молоком, без сахара, пожалуйста" *"kipper tie" созвучно "cup of tea" - чашка чая
-Оззи Осборн.
"Oh, yeah, I'll have a tank top." And the fellow says, "What about a kipper tie?" And Noddy says,
"Oh! Thanks, yeah! Milk, no sugar!"
- Ozzy Osbourne.
Кроме женщины, которая ценит хорошие галстуки.
(tie - галстук, ничья)
Ну, крават - это разновидность галстука.
Except for a woman who appreciates a fine cravat.
How about we just call it a tie?
You see, a cravat is a kind of tie.
You package videos with the dolls.
You tie in personal appearances.
Huge dough.
You package videos with the dolls.
You tie in personal appearances.
Huge dough.
'Keep eye contact with the creature and when I say, 'turn back, and when you do, straighten my bow tie
'Keep eye contact with the creature and when I say, 'turn back, and when you do, straighten my bow tie.'
Как и я.
You straightened my bow tie because I planted the idea in your head while you were looking at the creature
So they could do that to people.
Neither can I.
You straightened my bow tie because I planted the idea in your head while you were looking at the creature.
So they could do that to people.
*** two receipts in Gloria's purse put a betting on races.
An our time of death is estimated at 11:00 on the outside, and we don't have anything to tie her to the
I thought fake mom was a lock.
OTB receipts in Gloria's purse put her betting on races till 10PM.
And our time of death is estimated at 11:00 on the outside, and we don't have anything to tie her to the studio.
I thought fake mom was a lock.
В вентиляцию?
Isn't that why you wore your recreation tie?
Здесь жутко холодно.
In the vent?
Isn't that why you wore your recreation tie?
It's freezing in here.
Do you still have that tie you bought me?
No, it's that color.
Do you still have that tie you bought me?
No, it's that color.
- Брат, ослабить веревку.
Tie его девушке прямо сейчас.
Держите его, держите его.
- Brother, loosen the rope.
Tie it to the girl now.
Hold it, hold it.
Tie дама вверх.
Она будет наш билет отсюда.
Tie the lady up.
She will be our ticket out of here.
That's an interesting tie clip.
Oh, thanks.
That's an interesting tie clip.
Oh, thanks.
No one's ever liked the tie clip before, so I just lost all control.
No one's ever liked the tie clip before, so I just lost all control.
I bought him a tie.
Grace, you've been nothing but supportive of him since you first met.
I bought him a tie.
Grace, you've been nothing but supportive of him since you first met.
I might binge-watch Lock-up, 'cause I put half of those guys in there.
I mean, sometimes I have to tie a rope from my ankle to the bed 'cause I don't even know what I do at
So you get to keep wrecking my life?
I might binge-watch Lock-up, 'cause I put half of those guys in there.
I mean, sometimes I have to tie a rope from my ankle to the bed 'cause I don't even know what I do at night.
So you get to keep wrecking my life?
know it, you'll be using the nearest teaspoon as your makeup mirror, or to adjust the knot in your tie
And it's gonna freak you out at first, by the way, because no one tells you that you appear upside down in a spoon, but you do.
Before you know it, you'll be using the nearest teaspoon as your makeup mirror, or to adjust the knot in your tie.
And it's gonna freak you out at first, by the way, because no one tells you that you appear upside down in a spoon, but you do.
Это будет лучшая ночь в мире!
Помнишь TIE-файтеры?
- Оу, а помнишь Джава?
This is gonna be the best night ever!
'Member TIE fighters?
- Oh, 'member Jawas?
He out-and-out lied about knowing Henry.
He's in this thing up to his bolo tie.
Only we don't know what this is.
He out-and-out lied about knowing Henry.
He's in this thing up to his bolo tie.
Only we don't know what this is.
Why did you do it?
To tie up loose ends?
Is that it?
Why did you do it?
To tie up loose ends?
Is that it?
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