Перевод "%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%BE%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82" на английский

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%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%BE%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82 – 30 результатов перевода

А если записать так:
Ca - Fe, Bi - Ba Be
Одним словом, получается: висмут, железо, берелий, барий, кальций, ко... - Что такое "Ко"?
Let's write them down.
Ca, Fe, Bi, Ba, Ba Co N plus water.
That gives us calcium, iron, bismuth, barium, barium again, cobalt and nickel.
Я добавляю количество опасных зон
Теперь они будут каждый час 19:00 D-1, 20:00 C-4
21:00 I-3
I'm adding more danger zones.
There'll be a new one every hour from now on, so pay close attention. From 19:00, D-1. From 20:00, C-4.
I-3 from 21:00.
Крис, а как пишется слово "Cabbage"?
Chris, how do you spell "cabbage"?
Ты отмечал все ответы по одному шаблону.
A B B A C. A B B A C.
Оо, ты заметил, да?
You answered the multiple choice questions in a pattern.
A B B A C. A B B A C.
Aw, you picked up on that huh?
У французов - Louchebem.
А у японцев - Ba Bi Bu Be Bo, их вариант забавного нелепого языка.
Но все это нелепые языки с очень простыми правилами И довольно быстро к ним теряешь интерес.
And the French have Louchebem.
And there's Pileshki. which is their amusing nonsense language.
But those are nonsense languages where you apply a very simple rule and it sounds very quickly nonsense.
И зарифмуйте стихи в такой рифмовке:
Чего вы ждете, китайского нового года?
And the poems should have the following rhyme scheme:
What are you waitin' for, Chinese New Year?
- Питер Рэббетт...
Там есть могила некого Питера Рэббетта, R-A-B-B-E-T-T, ["rabbit" - "кролик"] и могила Джеремии Фишера
Все там.
- Peter Rabbett, there's...
There's a grave for a Peter Rabbett, spelled B-B-E-T-T, there's a Jeremiah Fisher, there's a Mr Nutkins, there's a Mr Brock and a Mr McGregor.
All there.
Ну так не тяните!
A, B, B, A, A, B...
Да, в чем дело?
Get on with it then!
A, B, B, A. A, B...
Yes, what is it?
...that prevented being impaled. We introduced обитые мягкой обивкой приборные панели, и мы ввели ремни безопасности. ...padded instrument panels, and we introduced seat belts.
We estimated if there would be 100 percent use of the seat belts то мы сможем спасти 20-ть с лишним тысяч
Все были настроены против этих ремней. Everybody was opposed to it.
We introduced padded instrument panels, and we introduced seat belts.
We estimated if there would be 100 percent use of the seat belts we could save 20-odd thousand lives a year.
Everybody was opposed to it.
Королевская ладья на d1.
Королева на g4
King rook to queen one.
Ah. Queen to knight four.
Again, I wanted your money.
Speaking of money, here are some coupons for 20% off all appetizers at the Parsippany sizzler, where
You're doing stand-up?
Again, I wanted your money.
Speaking of money, here are some coupons for 20% off all appetizers at the Parsippany sizzler, where I will be doing a 10-minute comedy set on Friday.
You're doing stand-up?
Где моя глупышка?
Халперт - палата D-1.
Допускаются только члены семьи.
- Where's my little nibblet?
Halpert, room d-1. All right.
Family only beyond this point.
Что с предложением от клуба "D1"?
Я не знаю. Еще не звонил к ним.
So, how's that First Division offer shaping up?
I don't know, I've not called them.
Ладно, просто посмотрите.
Есть 3 сотрудника, отмеченные как D1, или "с предварительной оплатой".
Департамент общественных работ всё ещё им платит, хотя они не работают уже 2 года.
Okay, just look at this.
There are three employees designated as D1, or on retainer.
Public Works is still paying them even though they haven't worked in two years.
What's the deal?
I thought college guys were supposed to be so much cooler, but they're just like high-school guys, plus
I did the guy thing for a while, but it wasn't until I was with a woman that everything clicked.
What's the deal?
I thought college guys were supposed to be so much cooler, but they're just like high-school guys, plus 2 years and 20 pounds.
I did the guy thing for a while, but it wasn't until I was with a woman that everything clicked.
Какое у него звание?
Молодой ещё, D1, немного недовольный.
Не похоже, что он недоволен.
What's his rank?
He's young, D1, a bit disgruntled.
He doesn't seem disgruntled.
Пересечение улиц D и Первой.
Мы нашли короля на пересечении улиц С и Первой.
Avenue D and 1st.
We found the king at Avenue C and 1st.
Игрок одновременно ходит 2 фигурами.
Ладья со своей исходной позиции на D1, а король с Е1 на С1.
Из пересечения улиц Е и Первой на пересечение С и Первой.
The player moves two pieces at the same time.
The rook from its original position to D1, and the king from E1 to C1.
From Avenue E and 1st Street to Avenue C and 1st Street.
Так что сюда или сюда?
Оператор зелёного крана, огонь по D1.
So is it there, or is it there?
Green crane driver, fire at D1.
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
Must be missing an angel
Missing one angel, child
A - a,
B - b,
C - c,
A - a,
B - b,
C - c,
- Эй, Джой, смотри, "Копы" вернулись.
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
- Hey, look, Joy, Cops is back.
Bad boys, bad boys, what's it gonna be?
What's it gonna be when they be from me?
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
- привет... - привет... Я не видела тебя несколько дней
The tough part, though, is reconciling this huge thing we want:
to be surgeons... with everything else we want.
I haven't seen you in a few days.
В мужском пенисе была рыба
There's always gonna be a fish in a man's penis, chief.
You can say you movin' on all you want, but are you really?
There was a fish in a man's penis.
There's always gonna be a fish in a man's penis, chief.
You can say you movin' on all you want, but are you really?
- ...am?
То bе, блядь, or not to be!
Об этом тоже не слышал?
To be! Fuck! Or not to be!
You haven't heard of that either?
На юге Англии это слово звучит как "bar-stard" (сволочь, ублюдок)
Но на севере будет как "ba-stard", И на самом деле куда круче сказать 'ba-stard".
- Ньюанс такой в акценте.
In the south of England, the word is "bar-stard"
but in the north it's "ba-stard" and it's much better to say "ba-stard".
- That's an accent thing.
Отель Поттеров BB.
Кажется будто только вчера я танцевал на кухне с Фредериком Фрике.
I love this place, the Potter B B.
Seems like yesterday I was dancing here with Frederick Fricke.
- Придумаю хорошую причину, почему меня не было.
The producers are gonna be mad.
They sat us down and said:
- I'll come up with a good reason why I wasn't there.
The producers are gonna be mad.
They sat us down and said:
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