Перевод "мю" на английский
Произношение мю
мю – 30 результатов перевода
Но мю-мезоны в 210 раз тяжелее электронов, что значит, что в мю-мезонном атоме электроны вращаются вокруг
Я понимаю, что вы ничего в этом не понимаете, генерал, но доверьтесь мне.
But mu mesons are 210 times heavier than electrons. Which means that in a mesic atom, the electrons revolve around a nucleus at just a small fraction of the ordinary distance in a normal atom.
I know you don't understand all this, General, but stick with me.
Я понимаю, что вы ничего в этом не понимаете, генерал, но доверьтесь мне.
Итак, мю-мезонный атом очень мал, достаточно мал, чтобы пройти сквозь электронную защиту обычного атома
- и соединиться с его ядром.
I know you don't understand all this, General, but stick with me.
Now, the mesic atom is extremely small, small enough to sift through the electron defenses of the ordinary atom
- and fuse with its nuclei.
Верно, док.
подобраться близко, действительно близко к птице и бомбардировать её энергетический щит из антиматерии мю-мезонными
Тогда птица станет беззащитной если не считать клюва, когтей и крыльев.
Right, Doc!
Now if this thing of mine works and we can get close, real close, and bombard that bird's antimatter energy shield with a stream of mesic atoms, I think we can destroy that shield.
The bird would be defenseless then except for beak, claws and wings.
Пятикопеечное чудо.
Это оружие должно создавать мю-мезонные атомы не в качестве редкого лабораторного феномена, а в огромных
достигнуть, бомбардировать и уничтожить щит из антиматерии.
A dime's worth of miracle.
This weapon would have to create mesic atoms, not as rare and isolated laboratory phenomena, but in tremendous quantities, eject them through some aiming and propelling device so they could travel indefinite distances through the air to arrive with sufficient speed and in sufficient numbers
to bombard and destroy an antimatter shield.
Настоящее чудо техники.
Особенно, если учесть, что жизнь мю-мезонного атома до сих пор не получалось продлить в лабораториях
Неудача. ...опять неудача .и снова неудача.
Truly a miracle of science.
Especially since the scientific total life expectancy for a mesic atom, up to now, measured in laboratories, had been one two-millionth of a second.
Failure. ...after failure after failure.
Я специально его устроил.
Я использовал излучатель мю-мезонных атомов.
I did it on purpose.
I used the mesic atom projector.
Я бомбардировал камеру быстрыми частицами.
В результате мы имеем след сделанный частицей известной как мю-мезон.
Но обратите внимание на вот этот промежуток.
The chamber was bombarded with high-speed particles.
Result, a photograph of a trail made by what is known as a mu meson.
But notice this hole, this gap right here.
Да, да.
Формирование временного мезонного атома, - мю-мезона и водородного ядра.
Yes, yes.
The formation of a temporary mesic atom, the mu meson with a hydrogen nucleus.
Я тебе их подстригу.
Не беспокойся, Мюи и тётушка Май справятся.
Но в кафе так много посетителей.
I'll cut them for you.
Don't worry. Mùi and Auntie Mai will manage.
But there are a lot of customers in the café.
Хоть что-то вовремя.
Где активатор мю-поля?
Я же пытаюсь тебе сказать!
One thing at a time.
Where's the... mu-field activator.
I'm trying to tell you!
Внесите ее внутрь. Поспешите.
Итак, где активатор мю-поля?
Мы же сказали, Доктор, мы не смогли пройти дальше консольной комнаты.
Ah, take it inside, hurry along.
Now, where's the mu-field activator?
We told you, Doctor, we couldn't get any further than the console room.
Турлоу, ТАРДИС.
Мне нужны... портативный активатор мю-поля...
Доктор, ты же сказал, что мы не должны и пять аргоноразряженых шара.
Turlough, the TARDIS.
I'll need the... portable mu-field activator...
Doctor, you did say that we weren't and five of the argon discharge globes.
бш бшцкъдхре рюй рнкэйн йнцдю дюере хмрепбэч... хкх лмнцн кер яосяръ, бяе еые яйпшбюереяэ?
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] лш фхкх мю яебепе хгпюхкъ, мю цпюмхже я кхбюмнл, бнйпсц - мхвецн, осяршмъ.
х нмх пеьхкх янгдюрэ юйюделхч теурнбюмхъ.
You have only to look at the way I have to do this interview so many years later, still in hiding.
We lived in the northern border between Lebanon and Israel and it was way out in nowhere.
They decided to have their fencing academy there.
лме йюферяъ, врн лш онксвюкх яоежхюкэмсч ондцнрнбйс.
мюл опхбхбюкх всбярбн, врн мюя фдер нянаши осрэ.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] нм бяецдю леврюк унрэ ндмюфдш свюярбнбюрэ б нкхлохюде.
It seemed to me we were getting special training.
We began to get a feeling that something big was underway.
He dreamt always to be once at the Olympics.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] нм бяецдю леврюк унрэ ндмюфдш свюярбнбюрэ б нкхлохюде.
гю меяйнкэйн кер дн рнцн йюй лш онгмюйнлхкхяэ, нм цнбнпхк, врн леврюер оноюярэ мю нкхлохюдс унръ аш ндмюфдш
дкъ юмдпе х бяеи йнлюмдш хгпюхкъ, нкхлохюдю 1972 цндю хлекю нянане гмювемхе, онрнлс врн нмю опнундхкю б лчмуеме, цеплюмяйнл цнпнде, цде гюпндхкяъ мюжхгл.
He dreamt always to be once at the Olympics.
Years before, before I knew him he said that he was thinking about to get to the Olympics once... 1972 Israeli Olympic Squad because, I think, for every athlete, that's the climax of your career.
For Andre and the rest of the Israeli team the 1972 Olympics held a particular significance because they were held in Munich, Germany, the birthplace of Nazism.
вепег 36 кер оняке нкхлохюдш мюжхярнб, дюуюс, оепбши йнмжемрпюжхнммши кюцепэ, ашк бшапюм леярнл дкъ нкхлохияйнцн лелнпхюкэмнцн яепбхяю.
йнлюмдю хгпюхкъ опхашкю мю жепелнмхч, блеяре я йнлюмдюлх \ хг бяеу ебпноеияйху ярпюм.
дюуюс мюундхряъ бяецн б 10 йл нр нкхлохияйнцн ярюдхнмю.
Thirty-six years after the Nazi Olympics... Dachau, the first of the concentration camps, was chosen as the site for an Olympic memorial service.
The Israeli team came to the service along with competitors from most European countries.
Dachau is just six miles from the Munich stadium.
ъ дслюч, нм всбярбнбюк бя╗ щрн.
мн лнфер ашрэ, нм рюйфе унрек онйюгюрэ мелжюл, врн бнр нм, ъ, бепмскяъ, опхашк мю нкхлохияйхе хцпш, х
яохрж он-опефмелс мю онклерпю боепедх бяеу мю акхфмеи днпнфйе.
I think he felt this.
But maybe it was also for him to to show something to the Germans that " Here I am, coming back to the Olympic Games and you you couldn't really destroy me."
Spitz is still holding them off. He's got a half a meter lead.
мн лнфер ашрэ, нм рюйфе унрек онйюгюрэ мелжюл, врн бнр нм, ъ, бепмскяъ, опхашк мю нкхлохияйхе хцпш, х бш ме ялнцкх лемъ смхврнфхрэ.
яохрж он-опефмелс мю онклерпю боепедх бяеу мю акхфмеи днпнфйе.
яохрж опнднкфюер х бшхцпшбюер гнкнрсч ледюкэ!
But maybe it was also for him to to show something to the Germans that " Here I am, coming back to the Olympic Games and you you couldn't really destroy me."
Spitz is still holding them off. He's got a half a meter lead.
Down on the near side is... But Spitz is gonna go in. Spitz wins the gold medal!
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я нярюкэмни вюярэч цпсоош - дпсцюъ цпсоою хг рпеу х дбсу кхдепнб мюундхкюяэ б лчмуеме б ревемхе мейнрнпнцн бпелемх.
мю якедсчыхи демэ лни дпсц х ъ... оняерхкх оюпс бнкеианкэмшу хцп б нкхлохияйнл оюпйе.
лш бяе еые ме ашкх нябеднлкемш на назейре мюьеи юйжхх.
There we met up with the rest of the team another group of three and two leaders who had been in Munich for some time.
The following day my friend and I went to a couple of volleyball games at the Olympic Park.
We still had not been told what the target of our operation was to be.
мю якедсчыхи демэ лни дпсц х ъ... оняерхкх оюпс бнкеианкэмшу хцп б нкхлохияйнл оюпйе.
лш бяе еые ме ашкх нябеднлкемш на назейре мюьеи юйжхх.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] оняке ндмнцн хг янпебмнбюмхи нм яйюгюк, "онялнрпх, рюл йнлюмдю кхбюмю.
The following day my friend and I went to a couple of volleyball games at the Olympic Park.
We still had not been told what the target of our operation was to be.
After one of the competitions he said, "Hey, there is the Lebanese team.
й лнелс хгслкемхч, ъ сбхдекю, врн елс ярюкх нрбевюрэ. х нмх онфхлюкх елс псйх х пюгцнбюпхбюкх я мхл, х яопюьхбюкх опн ецн пегскэрюрш.
ъ мхйнцдю ме гюасдс, йюй нм онбепмскяъ х онь╗к йн лме... я скшайни мю кхже х яйюгюк,
"рш бхдекю?
To my big amazement, I saw that the people responded and they shook hands with him and they talked to him...
Ankie Spitzer and they asked him about his results. I'll never forget when he turned around and came back towards me with this huge smile on his face and said...
"You see?
янпебмнбюмхъ дкъ юмдпе х ецн йнлюмдш гюйнмвхкхяэ гю 10 дмеи. юмйх х нм онеуюкх б цнккюмдхч опнбедюрэ ябнч люкемэйсч днвэ юмсй, йнрнпсч нмх нярюбхкх я пндхрекълх юмйх.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] мю якедсчыее српн, б 10 вюянб нм днкфем ашк сегфюрэ онегднл мюгюд, б лчмуем.
мн нм мелмнцн опняоюк.
After ten days, Andre's fencers finished their competitions and he and Ankie traveled to Holland to spend time with their baby Anouk whom they had left in the care of Ankie's parents.
The next morning at 10:00, he had to take the train to Munich.
He woke up a little bit late.
мн нм мелмнцн опняоюк.
х йнцдю лш опхеуюкх мю бнйгюк, онегд сфе сь╗к.
ъ ашкю б нрвюъмхх, онрнлс врн дслюкю, врн с мецн асдср меопхърмнярх, йнцдю нм бепм╗ряъ мюгюд, б лчмуем, мн нм яйюгюк: "унпньн, еы╗ ндхм демэ ъ асдс я рнани."
He woke up a little bit late.
We got to the train station, and the train had left.
I was desperate because I thought he's going to get in trouble when he gets back to Munich because they're waiting for him there. He said, "Well, another day with you."
ъ яйюгюкю: "мер, дюбюи онопнасел ондзеуюрэ й дпсцни ярюмжхх, б 50 йл нрячдю"
х лш онлвюкхяэ й дпсцни ярюмжхх, х б щимдунбеме лш сяоекх мю дпсцни онегд.
аег ахкерю.
I said, " No, let's try the other train station about 30 miles onwards."
So we raced to the next station and in Eindhoven in Holland, that's where he jumped on the train.
Without a ticket.
аег ахкерю.
онегд сфе ярнък мю ярюмжхх.
ъ дн яху онп онлмч, йюй ъ аефюкю бднкэ онегдю, х нм сеуюк.
Without a ticket.
The train was already in the station.
I still remember me running next to the train and he left.
ъ бхдекю ецн б онякедмхи пюг.
б мнвэ мю 4 яемръапъ, йнцдю юмдпе бепмскяъ б нкхлохияйсч депебмч, хгпюхкэяйюъ декецюжхъ мюякюфдюкюяэ
нмх бепмскхяэ б онкмнвэ.
And that was the last time I saw him.
On the night of September 4, as Andre arrived back at the village the Israeli delegation was enjoying a night out at the theater watching Fiddler on the Roof.
They returned to the village at midnight.
нмх бепмскхяэ б онкмнвэ.
б мнвэ ноепюжхх... лш онькх оннаедюрэ б пеярнпюм мю фекегмнднпнфмни ярюмжхх..
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я псйнбндхрекел нпцюмхгюжхх... йнрнпши боепбше мюгбюк мюл назейр мюьеи юйжхх.
They returned to the village at midnight.
The night of the operation we went to the restaurant in the railway station for dinner.
There we met with the chief of the organization who for the first time told us what the target of our operation was.
б мнвэ ноепюжхх... лш онькх оннаедюрэ б пеярнпюм мю фекегмнднпнфмни ярюмжхх..
рюл лш бярперхкхяэ я псйнбндхрекел нпцюмхгюжхх... йнрнпши боепбше мюгбюк мюл назейр мюьеи юйжхх.
ъ онвсбярбнбюк яеаъ нвемэ цнпдшл... врн боепбше ъ яонянаем опнрхбнярнърэ хгпюхкэръмюл.
The night of the operation we went to the restaurant in the railway station for dinner.
There we met with the chief of the organization who for the first time told us what the target of our operation was.
I felt very proud that for the first time I was able to confront the Israelis.
ъ онвсбярбнбюк яеаъ нвемэ цнпдшл... врн боепбше ъ яонянаем опнрхбнярнърэ хгпюхкэръмюл.
мюьх оюяонпрю х беых гюапюкх с мюя... врнаш ме ашкн мхйюйху мюлейнб мю рн, йрн лш.
гюрел лш бяе опнькх б депебмч.
I felt very proud that for the first time I was able to confront the Israelis.
Our passports and belongings were taken from us so there wouldn't be any clue as to who we were.
Then we all went to the village.
лш яйюгюкх "яоюяхан" х "дн ябхдюмхъ".
я онлныэч вкемнб йнлюмдш бнярнвмни цеплюмхх, кхдепш реппнпхярнб опнмхйкх гюпюмее мю реппхрнпхч нкхлохияйни
яеивюя нмх мюопюбхкхяэ опълн б пюяонкнфемхе лсфяйнцн нрдекемхъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш.
We said thank you and good-bye.
With the help of members of the East German team the terrorist leaders had entered and studied the Olympic village in the days prior to the attack.
Now they headed straight for the Israeli men's quarters.
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