Перевод "НР" на английский
Произношение НР
НР – 30 результатов перевода
"йюпкхрн бяе сякнфмъер"
бш опхькх ячдю нр фемыхмш, йнрнпюъ бнбяе ме ъбкъеряъ бюьеи.
опедярюбэре яеае, нмю - лнъ, йюй щрю - ашкю бюьеи.
Carlito complicates things
You come from the house of a woman that is not yours.
Suppose that she is mine as this says.
В Москве, напротив Алексеевского монастыря, в доме медника Савельева.
Н. Р.
In Moscow , opposite Aleksei Monastery , house coppersmith Saveliev.
Humbly ask these things to deliver the letter A. NR
-Извините меня, дорогой Пилфорд.
И позже этим же днём граф Хуберт был не более чем просто двоюродным братом НР.
"Уважаемый Ослиный Член"
- Excuse me, dear Pilford.
and later that day Count Hubert was nothing more than just Cousin HP.
"Dear Donkey Dick"
-Мои губы запечатаны.
Тогда кузин НР, как всегда, пришёл и всё испортил.
Ах, это глупый, глупый человек!
- My lips are sealed.
That's when Cousin HP, as always, came and ruined everything.
Ah, that stupid, stupid man!
Да, но что насчёт отдыха фотографа Пилфорда и его жены Эммы.
Давайте начнём с НР. Фотограф сказал, он видел графа Иоганна и жена фотографа делает это.
Но Йирса заботилась об этом по-своему.
Yes, but what about the rest of photographer Pilford and his wife Emma.
He told the photographer he'd seen Count Johann and the photographer's wife doing it.
But Yrsa took care of that in her own way.
Да, пожалуйста.Спасибо вам.
Это должно быть был кузин НР.
Кто ещё это мог быть?
Yes, please. Thank you.
It must have been cousin HP.
Who else could it have been?
Особое спасибо Арво Круузементу, Харри Рехе, Рийне Хейн и всем членам съемочной группы "Весны", которые ПОМОГЗПИ С ПОДГОТОВКОЙ ЭТОГО фильма-напоминания.
Thank you: Arvo Kruusement, Harry Rehe, Riina Hein and all the people from the crew of "Kevade", who helped to complete this little piece of remembrance.
Это включает тебя тоже, НР.
Да,так долго, как это прекрасно и романтично.
That includes you too, HP.
Yes, as long as it's beautiful and romantic
-Боже милостивый!
Это будет роман не о нём, но о том старом пердуне, графе Иоганне.
- God almighty!
The novel is not going to be about him, but about that old fart, Count Johann.
йнлюмдю хгпюхкъ опхашкю мю жепелнмхч, блеяре я йнлюмдюлх \ хг бяеу ебпноеияйху ярпюм.
дюуюс мюундхряъ бяецн б 10 йл нр нкхлохияйнцн ярюдхнмю.
[юКЕЙЯ яОПХМЦЕП] ъ дслюч, елс ашкн нвемэ ръфекн, я оюлърэч н ецн яелэе х н рнл, врн мелжш ядекюкх я меи.
The Israeli team came to the service along with competitors from most European countries.
Dachau is just six miles from the Munich stadium.
I think it was very difficult for him with the memories of his family and what the Germans did to them.
нмю онксвюер сднбнкэярбхе нр йюфднцн лцмнбемхъ!
[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] ъ х дбне дпсцху оепеапюкхяэ хг кхбхх б цеплюмхч... гю 2 дмъ дн ноепюжхх
Absolutely fantastic.
She loves every moment of it!
Myself and two others traveled from Libya to Germany two days before the operation.
мн нм нрйюгюкяъ.
деиярбсъ нр хлемх йюй тедепюкэмнцн рюй х аюбюпяйнцн опюбхрекэярб... ъ опедкнфхк реппнпхярюл менцпюмхвеммсч
нмх яйюгюкх. "щрн - ме бнопня гюкнфмхйх хкх бгюлем демэцх... рнкэйн 200 гюйкчвеммшу".
But he refused.
Acting on behalf of both the Federal and Bavarian governments... I offered the terrorists an unlimited sum of money in exchange for the hostages. This offer was rejected.
They said, "It is not a question of either money or substitute hostages but only of the 200 prisoners."
GALGENVOGEL. рнр, йрн гюяксфхбюер ашрэ онбеьеммшл.
мн хяяю нркхвюкяъ нр мху.
лш ме рнкэйн днцнбюпхбюкхяэ, йюй пеьхрэ щрс опнакелс.
Gallow birds. But Issa was different from them.
We were not only negotiating on how to handle this.
йрн-рн рюл опълн яеивюя... х лш бхдхл, врн щрн опнхяундхр пюг гю пюгнл... нрйпшбюеряъ дбепэ, бшянбшбюеряъ вэъ-рн цнкнбю, врнаш сбхдерэ, врн опнхяундхр.
б 180 лерпюу нр щрнцн гдюмхъ мюундхряъ аюяяеим.
ме аюяяеим дкъ окюбюмхъ, ю нвемэ опхърмне нгепжн я люкемэйхл лнярйнл, цде яонпрялемш кефюкх х гюцнпюкх.
There's someone right now. And this has happened time and time and time again. The door opening, the head coming out to see what is going on.
Within 200 yards of where that building is, there's a manmade pond.
Not a formal swimming pool, but a very lovely pond with a little dock where the athletes lie out and take sun.
мюьеи гюдювеи ашкн ондмърэяъ мю йпшьс... гдюмхъ он йнмнккхьрпюяяе х яосярхрэяъ он бемрхкъжхнммни ьюуре х мю щрни онгхжхх нфхдюрэ йнднбне якнбн 'янкмевмши ябер'
- яхцмюк юрюйх нр мюьецн ьетю.
рюй лш окюмхпнбюкх нябнандхрэ гюкнфмхйнб.
The plan was for us to climb up on the roof of the Connollystrasse building and go down the ventilation shafts.
Once in position we were to await the code word 'sunshine' from the Chief Inspector before attacking.
That's how we would free the hostages.
врн бш декюере?"
нм нрберхк, врн нфхдюер опхашрхъ апнмхпнбюммшу люьхм... нрйсдю-рн, медюкейн нр лчмуемю.
онкхжхъ гюашкю опн апнмхпнбюммше люьхмш, гюашкю гюрпеанбюрэ ху, х рнкэйн яеивюя, вепег 20 лхмср оняке мювюкю оепеярпекйх, нмх ябъгюкхяэ я лчмуемнл х гюопняхкх апнмебхйх.
"What else? What are you doing?"
Then he said that he is waiting for armored cars to arrive from somewhere near Munich.
The police had forgotten to order the armored cars to come to the airport earlier and it was only now, 20 minutes after the shooting began that they radioed to Munich for them to be sent.
б рн бпелъ йюй реппнпхяр аефюк елс мюбярпевс, ямюиоеп #5 опнхгб╗к ябнх оепбше бшярпекш б щрни мнвх... б сонп, опълн б кхжн реппнпхярс.
мюундхряъ ху ямюиоеп, опхмъкх, он ньхайе, ямюиоепю #5... ю рюйфе охкнрю бепрнк╗рю, йнрнпши сйпшбюкяъ нр
ръфекн пюмхб нанху. [юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] б онкмнвэ ашкн нтхжхюкэмн назъбкемн... опедярюбхрекел цеплюмяйнцн опюбхрекэярбю, йнрнпши гюъбхк,
As the terrorist ran towards him, Sniper Number Five fired his only shots of the night point-blank into the fleeing man's face.
Seeing these shots police reinforcements arriving at the scene with no knowledge of the precise location of their own snipers mistakenly identified Sniper Five and the helicopter pilot who had fled for cover beside him as terrorists and opened fire on them.
Both were seriously wounded. At midnight came the official announcement of the spokesman of the German government who said all the Israelis are saved and all the terrorists are dead.
боепбше, ндхм хг оюкеярхмжеб, ябъгюммшу я щрхл, пюяяйюгюк, врн бя╗ щрн ашкн ондцнрнбкемн... х нпцюмхгнбюмн мележйхл опюбхрекэярбнл... х янцкюянбюмн я реппнпхярюлх.
напюгнл нмх опеднрбпюрър... бнглнфмнярэ асдсыху реппнпхярхвеяйху юрюй б ябнеи ярпюме... х хгаюбъряъ нр
ъ.. ъ дслюч- ъ дслюч, врн щрн, мюбепмне, опюбдю.
For the first time, one of the Palestinians involved has revealed that the entire affair was a setup organized by the German government in collusion with the terrorists.
The Germans thought that in this way they would prevent future terror attacks on their country and dispose the embarrassing evidence of their failure that day in September.
I think... I think it's probably true, yes.
врнаш онксвхрэ ксвьсч рнвйс нагнпю.
[дФХЛ лЮЙйЩИ] медюкейн нр мюьеи ярсдхх х бнйпсц нкхлохияйни депебмх, рнкою опхакхгхрекэмн б 75,000 -
щрн гдюмхе яеивюя йхьхр мелжюлх, ярюпючыхлхяъ яоюярх хгпюхкэръм.
That's for him to get a better look up.
Outside our studio here and around the Olympic village a crowd estimated at 75,000 to 80,000 people has gathered, awaiting the outcome of this.
This building now swarming with Germans trying to rescue the Israelis.
ю б ющпнонпрс тчпяремтекдбпчй ху нфхдюкн рнкэйн 5 ямюиоепнб онкхжхх.
лш ярнъкх мюбепус с нймю... йнцдю мюьху рнбюпхыеи опнбекх б мюпсвмхйюу нр юбрнасяю дн бепрнкерю реппнпхярш
нмх бшцкъдекх цепнълх, бкюдечыхлх лхпнл онд акхжюлх х опнфейрнпюлх.
There are eight, and there are only five police marksmen waiting at Furstenfeldbruck Airport.
We were standing at a window directly above as our friends were led handcuffed from the bus to the helicopters. The terrorists stood there with rifles.
They looked as if they felt like heroes dominating the world. All around, flashbulbs were going off.
нмх ме ашкх яонянамш.
янлмебючяэ, врн щрн ашкх мюярнъыхе ямюиоепш, ясдъ он рнлс, врн ъ якшьюк, ндхм ашк мю йпшье, медюкейн нр
нм ме ярпекък хг ямюиоепяйни бхмрнбйх.
They weren't capable.
I can tell you that I doubt whether the snipers were really snipers according to what I listened to. One was lying on the roof not far away from us.
He wasn't firing with a sniper's rifle.
онщрнлс ашкн мебнглнфмн ме бкчахрэяъ б мецн.
ъ - вкем оюкеярхмяйни яелэх йнрнпюъ саефюкю хг мюьеи депебмх б цюкхкее нр яхнмхяряйху цюмцярепнб б 1948
йюй аефемжш, лнъ яелэъ оепелеыюкюяэ хг кюцепъ б кюцепэ... опефде вел няекю б кюцепе ьюрхкю б аеипсре
Being the person that he was, it was hard not to fall in love with him.
I am a member of a Palestinian family which fled our village in Galilee from Zionist gangs in 1948.
As refugees, my family moved from camp to camp before finally ending up at the Chatila camp in Beirut.
Н. Р.
Вот и поди отгадай теперь.
So now go and Guess .
"С" только 8-ая по счёту, после "Е", "Т", "А", "О", "Н", "Р" и "И".
Конечно, ты просто обязан знать что-нибудь такое.
No, it's not.
E is the most common. S is the 8th most common, After E, T, A, O, N, R and I.
Oh, you'd have to know that, wouldn't you?
дюбюи гюаз╗л мю аюа.
нр мху бяепюбмн ндмх опнакелш.
гюпъфюч меирпхмнбсч анлас.
She she's probably nothing but trouble, anyways.
Arming neutrino bomb.
That's it that's it, Rick.
кюдмн, бяел сяонйнхрэяъ.
нрнидхре нр нйнм!
х рюй, яецндмъ с мюя асдер яепэ╗гмюъ тхцмъ.
Get away from the windows!
Now, look, we're gonna be dealing with some real serious stuff today.
You might have heard of it.
йнмевмн, пхй.
яопняхк, лнпрх, мн ъ рнкэйн врн опшцюк б асдсыее хглепемхе ху ледхжхмю мюярнкэйн пюгбхрю, врн яшбнпнрйю нр
нмю рюл онбячдс, лнпрх.
Not that you asked,
Morty, but what just happened there is... I went into a future dimension with such advanced medicine... that they had broken-leg serum at every corner drugstore. The stuff was all over the place, Morty.
Wow, that's pretty crazy, Rick.
хгбхмх, лнпрх. щрн накнл. мн мю яюлнл деке рш рсони, йюй нмх х яйюгюкх.
х лме нвемэ ашкх мсфмш щрх яелемю. х ъ онфепрбнбюк хлх, рнкэйн врнаш хгаюбхрэяъ нр рбнху пндхрекеи. рюй
ю онрнл с мюя асдер еы╗ анкэье опхйкчвемхи, лнпрх.
I'm sorry, Morty. It's a bummer. In reality, you're as dumb as they come.
And I needed those seeds real bad, and I had to give them up just to get your parents off my back, so now we're gonna have to go get more.
And then we're gonna go on even more adventures after that, Morty.
Как можно применить слово "н****р" в предложении?
Суть в том, что вы не должны применять его в предложении.
How would you use [Bleep] in a sentence?
The point is, you're not gonna use it in a sentence.
Для необходимого эффекта, мне необходимо перейти границы, которые не должны были быть пересечены, и сказать то, что нельзя было говорить.
Смейся-смейся, ты, н****р!
Я теперь расист.
To have the desired effect, I would need to cross a boundary which must never be crossed and say what must never be said.
Laugh it up, you [Bleep]!
I am a racist now.
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