Перевод "Denver Broncos" на русский
Произношение Denver Broncos (дэнва бронкоуз) :
dˈɛnvə bɹˈɒŋkəʊz
дэнва бронкоуз транскрипция – 8 результатов перевода
Dude! Dude, that's Jay Cutler over there!
Quarterback for the Denver Broncos!
- Oh my God! - Would you boys like to meet him?
Чувак, это Джей Катлер вон там!
Защитник в Денвер Бронкос! - О, мой Бог!
- Вы, ребята, хотели бы познакомиться с ним?
Welcome to Super Bowl XLVIII between the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos.
The field is a frozen tundra, imported at great expense from Alaska.
Добро пожаловать на 48-й Супер Боул между Сиэтли Сихоксом и Денвером Бронкосом.
Поле, промерзшая тундра, привезено из Аляски за огромные деньги
Then how come that sign says "Church of Scientology"?
Oho, that's just this thing: What's the Denver Broncos' record now?
Six and two?
Тогда почему здесь написано "церковь сайентологии"?
О, вот что: какой сейчас рекорд у "Денвер Бронкос"?
Mandy had her pillowcase, Eve has Mr. Buttons, and...
You have your irrational attachment to the Denver Broncos.
Since when do you drink coffee?
У Мэнди это была наволочка, у Иви - мистер Кнопка, а...
А у тебя эта необъяснимая привязанность к клубу Дэнвер Бронкос.
С каких пор ты пьёшь кофе?
I can't wait to talk sarcastaball because it's really compelling.
Joining me now is the coach of the Denver Broncos and the inventor of sarcastaball,
Randy Marsh.
I can't wait to talk sarcastaball because it's really compelling.
Joining me now is the coach of the Denver Broncos and the inventor of sarcastaball,
Randy Marsh.
Since football is so barbaric we should change too!
So let's give a big welcome to the new Coach of the Denver Broncos,
Randy Marsh!
Since football is so barbaric we should change too!
So let's give a big welcome to the new Coach of the Denver Broncos,
Randy Marsh!
Welcome to the inaugural game of the National Sarcastaball League!
As we bring you today's match up between the Denver Broncos and the Oakland Raiders.
Yeah, lookin good guys let's kick some butt.
Welcome to the inaugural game of the National Sarcastaball League!
As we bring you today's match up between the Denver Broncos and the Oakland Raiders.
Yeah, lookin good guys let's kick some butt.
Broncos this weekend?
Denver Broncos are a football team, Norman.
They haven't played since February.
Бронкос в эти выходные?
Денвер Бронкос — футбольная команда, Норман.
Они не играли с февраля.
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