Перевод "less" на английский
Произношение less
less – 30 результатов перевода
How come my plate's less fancy than everyone else's?
Do you not trust me with a fancy plate?
How come my plate's less fancy than everyone else's?
Do you not trust me with a fancy plate?
Б-29 мог летать выше самолетов - истребителей и выше ПВО... The B-29 could get above the fighter aircraft and above the air defense таким образом уровень потерь становился намного ниже.
...so the loss rate would be much less.
Сейчас, я не хочу предполагать, что это был мой рапорт... Now, I don't want to suggest that it was my report который привёл к тому... что я вызвал бомбардировку с применением зажигательных бомб.
The B-29 could get above the fighter aircraft and above the air defense so the loss rate would be much less.
The problem was, the accuracy was also much less.
Now, I don't want to suggest that it was my report that led to...
So we explained to the children что они должны будут чем-то пожертвовать... При этом, у них станет меньше забот. ...they'd be giving up a few...
They could care less.
У Марг станет меньше забот.
So we explained to the children they'd be giving up a few...
They could care less.
Marg could care less.
-Примерно: 25 тысяч. Меньше половины...
Less than half от числа окончательных потерь: 58-ми тысяч. ...of the number ultimately killed: 58,000
Историкам действительно не нравится иметь дело с просчитыванием вариантов развития событий прошлого... Historians don't really like to deal with counterfactuals с тем, что могло-бы быть. ...with what might have been.
About 25,000.
Less than half of the number ultimately killed, 58,000.
Historians don't really like to deal with counterfactuals with what might have been.
- Да.
I wouldn't know how to save myself with a song, much less the world. но я не знаю даже основною вещь
Кроме того, я не собираюсь больше писать песни потому что я певица, и я ухожу, чтобы записать свои песни.
I appreciate what you're saying, but... I wouldn't know how to save myself with a song, much less the world.
Besides, I don't intend to write songs much longer because I'm a singer and I'm going to record my own stuff.
Last year when Oliver Queen returned to Starling City, he was met with flowers and well-wishes.
However, today down at Glades Memorial, he was met with a far less cordial homecoming.
The question is no longer, where have you been, Oliver Queen.
Last year when Oliver Queen returned to Starling City, he was met with flowers and well-wishes.
However, today down at Glades Memorial, he was met with a far less cordial homecoming.
The question is no longer, where have you been, Oliver Queen.
Значит ты впустую тратишь моё время.
But he couldn't care less about you.
Yeah, I remember you from the trial.
Yeah, then you're wasting my time.
But he couldn't care less about you.
Yeah, I remember you from the trial.
Иди сюда.
По-русски less - меньше.
По-русски more - больше.
In Russian, less.
In Russian, more.
Куда мы направляемся?
St James The Less, это церковь.
20 минут на машине.
Where are we going?
St James The Less, it's a church.
20 minutes by car.
Теперь можно начать добавлять что-то еще к этому"
"With the lights out, it's" "less dangerous"
"Here we are now, entertain" "us"
Now we can actually start putting more shit on it".
♪ With the lights out, it's less dangerous ♪
♪ Here we are now, entertain us ♪
Ты можешь покупать детскую еду в "Food 4 Less",сладкий.
Они добавляют искусственные красители и консерванты в эту хрень.
You can buy baby food at the Food 4 Less, sweetie.
They put artificial coloring and preservatives in that crap.
My name's Shelly and no one's in charge.
The findings were bleak with results showing that less than half of high schoolers were able to correctly
One in four thought Columbus discovered the New World sometime after 1750.
My name's Shelly and no one's in charge.
Sloan: The findings were bleak with results showing that less than half of high schoolers were able to correctly identify the century in which the Civil War was fought.
One in four thought Columbus discovered the New World sometime after 1750.
I don't know what it is, red, but, uh, I feel less alone in the world knowing I can drive across town
I don't know what it is, red, but, uh, I feel less alone in the world knowing I can drive across town and find you here, bent over cans of chicken stock.
I guess what really gets me is that he couldn't tell me the truth.
I mean, did he think I wouldn't accept him or that I'd think less of him?
Why didn't he trust me?
I guess what really gets me is that he couldn't tell me the truth.
I mean, did he think I wouldn't accept him or that I'd think less of him?
Why didn't he trust me?
You know, you have some anger issues.
More snip, less lip.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, Homie,
You know, you have some anger issues.
More snip, less lip.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, Homie,
И речи быть не может.
Вы могли бы сделать ей одолжение, but don't be less than you are.
Что ты имеешь в виду?
No more talking.
You could do her a favor, but don't be less than you are.
What do you mean?
Libby: I'm so sorry.
Walter: It's easier if you think less.
- Libby:
I'm so sorry.
It's easier if you think less.
- Yes.
Did someone shove you around growing up?
Hey, we got a missing kid, and the longer you lie, the less likely we are to get her back alive.
I don't know anything about it.
Did someone shove you around growing up?
Hey, we got a missing kid, and the longer you lie, the less likely we are to get her back alive.
I don't know anything about it.
Interesting guy.
He's helping me be less judgmental.
You know, Kaiser's going to be here for a while.
Interesting guy.
He's helping me be less judgmental.
You know, Kaiser's going to be here for a while.
He wasn't like that before the attack.
- I mean, less like that.
- It changes everyone!
He wasn't like that before the attack.
- I mean, less like that.
- It changes everyone!
so your put man pay me
- I'm doin no less I got the vibes, that run down the show
Дело не столько в том факте, что "Призрачную угрозу" скачали 500 раз, или 600 раз и т.д.
so your put man pay me
- I'm doin no less I got the vibes, that run down the show
It's not so much the fact that the Phantom Menace is downloaded 500 times, or 600 times etc.
# Everybody's gotta learn some time
If anyone is less than squeaky clean, pack your things and get the hell out.
Come on, let's go.
Resynchronised by Nathbot ~ bufgelfly ~
If anyone is less than squeaky clean, pack your things and get the hell out.
- Come on, let's go. - Who's Bryan?
Look, you know as well as I do that once you put this to your bosses, they'll bite your hand off.
One less family on the at-risk register,
I'm back on your books, you're throwing kids at me left, right and centre and I'll take them.
Look, you know as well as I do that once you put this to your bosses, they'll bite your hand off.
One less family on the at-risk register,
I'm back on your books, you're throwing kids at me left, right and centre and I'll take them.
# Some days I feel better
# Oh, and some days I feel less
# There's only a few of us left
# Some days I feel better
# Oh, and some days I feel less
# There's only a few of us left
Не понял.
Быв мисс "A-ha-Less,"
было легче следовать за Эваном.
I don't get it.
Being Miss "A-ha-Less,"
it was easier to follow Evan's path.
# There's no kind of atmosphere
# I'm all alone, more or less
# Let me fly far away from here
# There's no kind of atmosphere
# I'm all alone, more or less
# Let me fly far away from here
LESS (без) Сердце.
Less heart.
What can that mean?
"Less heart."
Could have meant anything.
It could've meant less money, uh...
A new city, a gig that just didn't fit with having a kid.
Could have meant anything.
It could've meant less money, uh...
A new city, a gig that just didn't fit with having a kid.
If there is a breach,
I would rather be on it fast with a little less firepower than the other way around.
Also, let's break out whatever spare ordnance we have from the Lucian Alliance and arm as many civilians as possible.
If there is a breach,
I would rather be on it fast with a little less firepower than the other way around.
Also, let's break out whatever spare ordnance we have from the Lucian Alliance and arm as many civilians as possible.
It's what you got to do!
Dad, it's been less than two days.
So, I guess this means we can stay?
It's what you got to do!
Dad, it's been less than two days.
So, I guess this means we can stay?
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