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more – 30 результатов перевода
It's just...
You're more the, you know, fun parent.
Yeah, and we wanna make sure Emma also has someone like Monica who's more of a disciplinarian.
It's just...
You're more the, you know, fun parent.
Yeah, and we wanna make sure Emma also has someone like Monica who's more of a disciplinarian.
Я думаю что это повлияло. I think that's correct.
But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view они знали то, что, в некотором смысле,
Мы пытались убить Кастро... We had attempted to assassinate Castro при Эйзенхауэре и Кеннеди, и позже, при Джонсоне. ...under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and later, under Johnson.
I think that's correct.
But more importantly, from a Cuban and a Russian point of view they knew what, in a sense, I really didn't know.
We had attempted to assassinate Castro under Eisenhower and Kennedy, and later, under Johnson.
"Мы и вы не должны тянуть за концы веревки... "We and you ought not pull on the ends of a rope... "...на которой у нас завязан узел войны.
"Because the more the two of us pull... "...тем крепче узел будет затянут.
"И затем будет необходимо разрубить этот узел... "And then it will be necessary to cut that knot... "...и то что это означало-бы, - не мне вам объяснять." "...and what that would mean is not for me to explain to you."
"We and you ought not pull on the ends of a rope which you have tied the knots of war.
Because the more the two of us pull the tighter the knot will be tied.
And then it will be necessary to cut that knot and what that would mean is not for me to explain to you.
Cold War? Hell, it was a hot war.
I think the human race needs to think more about killing о конфликтах. ...about conflict.
Это то чего мы хотим в 21-ом веке? Is that what we want in this 21st century?
Hell, it was a hot war.
I think the human race needs to think more about killing about conflict.
Is that what we want in this 21 st century?
Я не мог дождаться когда перейду на следующий курс.
I took more philosophy courses, particularly one in logic и один по этике.
Придающие значение моральным ценностям... Stress on values что-бы понимать что за ними стоит... ...something beyond one's self и быть ответственным перед обществом.
I couldn't wait to go to another class.
I took more philosophy courses, particularly one in logic and one in ethics.
Stress on values something beyond one's self and a responsibility to society.
Что-ж, я был... Well, I was частью этого механизма, и в частности, рекомендовал как это лучше сделать. ...part of a mechanism that, in a sense, recommended it.
I analysed bombing operations, and how to make them more efficient.
То есть, не более эффективными в смысле - что-бы поубивать побольше, а... I.e., not more efficient in the sense of killing more более эффективными в ослаблении противника. ...but more efficient in weakening the adversary.
Well, I was part of a mechanism that, in a sense, recommended it.
I analysed bombing operations, and how to make them more efficient.
I.e., not more efficient in the sense of killing more but more efficient in weakening the adversary.
Он вернулся через шесть месяцев, и сказал: He came back six months later, he said:
что это люди, которые могут позволить себе больше." "...and they're obviously people who can afford more
Ну и, это натолкнуло меня на размышления, насчёт того что мы должны сделать в производстве.
He came back six months later, he said:
"Well, they're professors, and they're doctors and they're lawyers and they're obviously people who can afford more."
Well, that set me to thinking about what we in the industry should do.
"И чего вы достигли? "What did you accomplish?
"You didn't get more than we were willing to give at the begining of the war.
"У вас, вероятно, была пресловутая цель:
What did you accomplish?
You didn't get more than we were willing to give at the start.
You could've had the whole damn thing:
-После того как вы ушли из администрации Джонсона... -After you left the Johnson administration почему вы не высказывались против Вьетнамской войны?
-I'm not going to say any more than I have.
Это разновидность вопросов которые доставляют мне неприятности. These are the kinds of questions that get me in trouble.
After you left the Johnson administration why didn't you speak out against the Vietnam War?
I'm not going to say any more than I have.
These are the kinds of questions that get me in trouble.
-Я не хочу входить в дальнейшее обсуждение. -I don't want to go into further discussion.
It just opens up more controversy.
Я не хочу добавлять что-нибудь к теме Вьетнама. I don't wanna add anything to Vietnam.
I don't want to go into further discussion.
It just opens up more controversy.
I don't wanna add anything to Vietnam.
Я анализировал операции бомбёжек, и как сделать их более эффективными. I analysed bombing operations, and how to make them more efficient.
I.e., not more efficient in the sense of killing more более эффективными в ослаблении противника. ...
Я написал один рапорт, анализируя... I wrote one report analysing эффективность операций Б-29ых. ...the efficiency of the B-29 operations.
I analysed bombing operations, and how to make them more efficient.
I.e., not more efficient in the sense of killing more but more efficient in weakening the adversary.
I wrote one report analysing the efficiency of the B-29 operations.
ЛеМэй говорил односложно. LeMay spoke in monosyllables. Я никогда не слышал от него...
I never heard him say больше двух слов подряд. ...more than two words in sequence.
Это было в основном, "Да.", "Нет.", "Ясно."... It was basically, "Yes," " No," "Yep" "Это всё.", или "Чёрт с этим." Это всё что он говорил. ..."That's all", or "Hell with it".
LeMay spoke in monosyllables.
I never heard him say more than two words in sequence.
It was basically, "Yes," " No," "Yep" "That's all," or " Hell with it." That was all he said.
И это тот стиль, против которого мы выступили.
We introduced the Falcon as a more economical car и это был огромный успех, в виде дополнительной прибыли
Мы достигли многого. We accomplished a lot.
And that's what we were up against.
We introduced the Falcon as a more economical car and it was a huge success profit-wise.
We accomplished a lot.
Я никогда не видел его... I've never seen him более расстроенным. Он полностью побледнел.
...more upset. He totally blanched.
У Кеннеди, и у меня были огромные проблемы с Диемом, но Боже мой... Kennedy and I had tremendous problems with Diem, but my God он был полномочной властью. Он был главой государства.
I've never seen him more upset.
He totally blanched.
Kennedy and I had tremendous problems with Diem, but my God he was the authority.
И это мнение я разделяю. And that's a belief that I shared.
I shared it then and I believe it even more strongly today.
Как много зла мы должны сделать, в стремлении к добру? How much evil must we do in order to do good?
And that's a belief that I shared.
I shared it then and I believe it even more strongly today.
How much evil must we do in order to do good?
Он не воспринимал советов что ему были даны. He didn't accept all the advice he was given.
On several occasions, his associates advised him to be more forthcoming. Он не делал этого.
He wasn't.
He didn't accept all the advice he was given.
On several occasions, his associates advised him to be more forthcoming.
He wasn't.
Агнес, Джон Квинси Адамс не стал президентом после Джона Адамса. *
"Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul
As the swift seasons roll!
Agnes, John Quincy Adams did not follow John Adams as president.
Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul
As the swift seasons roll!
Let each new temple, Nobler than the last
Shut thee from heaven With a dome more vast
Till thou at length art free." **
Let each new temple, Nobler than the last
Shut thee from heaven With a dome more vast
Till thou at length art free
Еще слишком рано.
Put a bit more in there.
Подождите, чего вы хотите?
And it isn't time to go yet.
Put a bit more in there.
What the hell do you want?
That all may be... out on the highway.
All I've done and much more.
Please, give me strength
That all may be... out on the highway.
All I've done and much more.
Please, give me strength
# But you'll still feel bad
# There must be more to life than lucky strikes
# And some unlucky ones
# But you'll still feel bad
# There must be more to life than lucky strikes
# And some unlucky ones
Well, my temperature's rising And my feet on the floor
Crazy people knockin' 'Cause they want some more
Let me in, baby I don't know what you got
This is my brother Jake. Well, my temperature's rising And my feet on the floor
Crazy people knockin' 'Cause they want some more
Let me in, baby I don't know what you got
# He'll be coming out soon # # I remember when I met him he blew in like a wind #
# No one was more beautiful or dangerous than him #
# He blew through my soul like a tangerine wind #
He'll be coming out soon I remember when I met him, he blew in like a wind
No one was more beautiful or dangerous than him
He blew through my soul like a tangerine wind
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more ќоо!
Ёто же золотые часы!
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Will be near to us once more
- Oh, the gold watch! I love it!
It's physical.
You must try to ignore that it means more than that.
What's love got to do with it?
It's physical.
You must try to ignore that it means more than that.
What's love got to do with it?
Если тебе удастся сказать что-то...
Well that's more like it.
Got you there, bastard
If you happen to say something once in a while...
Well that's more like it.
Got you there, bastard
Of doubt in my mind One more time!
I'm in love I'm a believer
Ofdoubt in mymind One more time!
I'm in love I'm a believer
But it's true, so true
I love you even more
Much more than I did before
But it's true, so true
I love you even more
Much more than I did before
I love you even more
Much more than I did before
But darling, what can I do
I love you even more
Much more than I did before
But darling, what can I do
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