Перевод "period dramas" на английский

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Произношение period dramas

period dramas – 19 результатов перевода

Вот так всё и началось. That's the way it began.
You know, it was a traumatic period.
Вероятно поэтому у мей жены открылась язва... My wife probably got ulcers from it возможно, даже в конечном счете умерла от стресса. У моего сына открылась язва.
That's the way it began.
You know, it was a traumatic period.
My wife probably got ulcers from it may even ultimately have died from the stress.
I mean, Norman Morrison is '65. This is '67.
-Well, it was a very tense period.
Очень напряжённый период для моей семьи, который я не хочу обсуждать. Very tense period for my family, which I don't want to discuss.
This is '67.
Well, it was a very tense period.
Very tense period for my family, which I don't want to discuss.
Очень напряжённый период для моей семьи, который я не хочу обсуждать. Very tense period for my family, which I don't want to discuss.
-How was your thinking changing during this period?
-Я не думаю, что мои взгляды изменились. -I don't think my thinking was changing.
Very tense period for my family, which I don't want to discuss.
How was your thinking changing during this period?
I don't think my thinking was changing.
У нас не будет возможности понять что мы ошибались, после применения ядерного оружия.
There'll be no learning period with nuclear weapons.
В моей жизни я был частью войн. In my life, I've been part of wars.
There'll be no learning period with nuclear weapons.
Make one mistake and you're gonna destroy nations.
In my life, I've been part of wars.
Это абсурд. That's absurd.
impossible for our people today поместить себя назад в тот период. ...to put themselves back into that period
В мою семилетнюю бытность министром... In my seven years as secretary мы подходили на толщину волоска к войне с Советским Союзом... ...we came within a hairsbreadth of war with the Soviet Union три раза.
That's absurd.
It's almost impossible for our people today to put themselves back into that period.
In my seven years as secretary we came within a hairsbreadth of war with the Soviet Union on three different occasions.
-Что-ж, это был очень напряжённый период. -Well, it was a very tense period.
Very tense period for my family, which I don't want to discuss.
-Как изменились ваши взгляды во время этого периода? -How was your thinking changing during this period?
Well, it was a very tense period.
Very tense period for my family, which I don't want to discuss.
How was your thinking changing during this period?
Придется заплатить налоги на это дерьмо.
["No taxation without representation", slogan in the period 1763–1776]
Мне не так много нужно.
You're going to pay taxes on this shit.
Taxation without representation, you know?
I don't want much.
And you got the implant in the spring of 2000.
We celebrated our 20th anniversary this spring, and there were four surgeons here during that period.
That's about 600-700 journals, maybe more.
And you got the implant in the spring 2000.
We celebrated 20-th anniversary this spring, - and we were four surgeons here during that period.
This is about 600-700 journals, maybe more.
...authorized the president to pursue terrorists with all necessary appropriate force.
Drones represent the safest form of lethal action against terrorist targets, period.
- It's more complicated than that.
West: ...authorized the president to pursue terrorists with all necessary appropriate force.
Drones represent the safest form of lethal action against terrorist targets, period.
- It's more complicated than that.
- It's more complicated than that.
- Period.
Ask him about the AUMF.
- It's more complicated than that.
- Period.
Ask him about the AUMF.
...AQ and Taliban senior leadership in Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Yemen, and the Horn of Africa, period.
- Get in.
West: ... AQ and Taliban senior leadership in Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Yemen, and the Horn of Africa, period.
- Get in.
- That's not it.
- Period.
We're going to have to end this there.
- That's not it.
- Period.
Will: We're going to have to end this there.
- Good?
- What was with period, period?
- I meant it.
- Good?
- What was with period, period?
- I meant it.
For her fucking period.
Why -- жаль.
For her fucking period. - Why -
- I'm sorry.
Listen to me very closely...
Do not take off the neck-brace period.
Do not go to the gym.
Listen to me very closely...
Do not take off the neck-brace period.
Do not go to the gym.
Хорошо, хорошо. Я снижу цены обратно до четвертака.
(игра слов: period – точка)
Тампоны для всех.
Okay, okay, I will lower the price back to a quarter.
And that is end of discussion, period.
Oh. Tampons for everyone.
And when mom was over in Seattle, she moved down here with Sonic Youth, so there's, like, a 65% chance I'm Eddie Vedder's kid.
And then there was that brief period that Kurt and Courtney broke up, so...
- Нет
And when mom was over in Seattle, she moved down here with Sonic Youth, so there's, like, a 65% chance I'm Eddie Vedder's kid.
And then there was that brief period that Kurt and Courtney broke up, so...
- No.
Оно расширило границы формы шоу, как несколько других серий до этого.
My favorite episode of "Supernatural," period, was "Changing Channels."
Hey, there, Sam.
It's pushed the boundaries of form like few other series ever have.
My favorite episode of "Supernatural," period, was "Changing Channels."
Hey, there, Sam.
Уже 15 минут прошло после часа
Destraction period over.
Мэри Лу.
It's 15 minutes past the hour.
Distraction period over.
Mary Lou.
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