Перевод "type" на английский
Произношение type
type – 30 результатов перевода
Frank Cosgrove works at the DMV branch smack dab in the middle of the Geo zone where our victim lived.
He has a daughter Estelle, blood type AB-positive, who's on the recipient list for a liver transplant
She goes to a support group attended by a Keith Doheny.
Frank Cosgrove works at the DMV branch smack dab in the middle of the Geo zone where our victim lived.
He has a daughter Estelle, blood type AB-positive, who's on the recipient list for a liver transplant.
She goes to a support group attended by a Keith Doheny.
Небольшая проблема с Морганом, который не знает, что такое Лондон но все знали, что он велик.
Джереми, Ричард и я взяли три разные версии нового F-Type в Лондон.
У меня,например, V6...
A little bit of a problem with Morgan, who didn't know what London was, but eventually, everybody responded magnificently.
Jeremy, Richard, and I are taking three different versions of the new F-Type to London.
I, for example, have the V6...
Что это такое...
Ну, это немного похоже на Eagle E-Type, который
Джереми водил несколько серий назад.
What this is...
Well, it's a bit like the Eagle E-Type that
Jeremy drove a few series back.
Итак, последние несколько лет Jaguar работал над новым небольшим спорткаром.
Известно, что он называется F-type, и мы думали о том, каким он будет.
Да, мы считали, что он будет тихим, комфортным, и сдержанным, а интерьер будет традиционно из кожи, дерева и мха.
Now, for years we've known that Jaguar was working on a new small sports car.
We've known that it's going to be called the F-type and we had a pretty good idea of what it would be like.
Yeah, we knew that it was going to be quiet and comfortable and restrained and that the interior would be full of traditional leather and wood and moss.
# There was a girl called Animal X
# She was not his type but she's all right
# She's from the city where there is no... #
# There was a girl called Animal X
# She was not his type but she's all right
# She's from the city where there is no... #
Maybe it's just my type.
Maybe it's just my type.
..and there were traces of copper in Rachel Freedman of the brain tissue along the bullet path.
The type of gun?
Calibre and labelling make me I think this may be Russian Baikal IZH-79 pistol.
..and there were traces of copper in Rachel Freedman's brain tissue along the bullet path.
Type of gun?
Calibre and marking make me think it could be a Russian Baikal IZH-79 pistol.
Oh, yes you are.
You are the type who likes to hang up her man's clothes for tonight.
Когда я с мужчиной внимание, которое я оказываю имеет мало общего с одеждой.
Oh, yes you are.
You are the type who likes to hang up her man's clothes for tonight.
When I have a man the favors I offer have little to do with clothes.
Oh, this proves it.
I always knew you were the type.
I'm many things, Tony.
Oh, this proves it.
I always knew you were the type.
I'm many things, Tony.
I'm many things, Tony.
A type... not one of them.
Oh, yes you are.
I'm many things, Tony.
A type... not one of them.
Oh, yes you are.
Это примерно 200 долларов за год в виде процентов.
Теперь, если вы купили 10 лет назад Jaguar E-Type за $40.000, то теперь бы он стоил $125.000.
$125.000 и у вас был бы E-Type, на котором можно ездить. Потому что вы не можете передвигаться на банковском заявлении. В этом есть смысл.
It is about 125 quid a year back in interest.
Now, if you'd have bought ten years ago an E-Type Jag for £25,000, it would now be worth £80,000.
£80,000, and you'd have had an E-Type to drive around in, cos you can't drive around in a bank statement.
Это глупая идея.
Пока я ехал сюда, я видел один из новых Jaguar F-type.
Вы слышали о таком?
It is a stupid idea.
Now, while I was driving down here I saw one of the new Jaguar F-types.
Have you heard about this?
You never heard of a skell trying to earn with a fake injury?
She doesn't seem the type, but you, well, you got a reputation.
I'll bet you've never had to check for a pulse on a dead little kid.
You never heard of a skell trying to earn with a fake injury?
She doesn't seem the type, but you, well, you got a reputation.
I'll bet you've never had to check for a pulse on a dead little kid.
Теперь, если вы купили 10 лет назад Jaguar E-Type за $40.000, то теперь бы он стоил $125.000.
$125.000 и у вас был бы E-Type, на котором можно ездить.
— И, по-видимому, не существует никаких налогов на прибыль от продажи машины?
Now, if you'd have bought ten years ago an E-Type Jag for £25,000, it would now be worth £80,000.
£80,000, and you'd have had an E-Type to drive around in, cos you can't drive around in a bank statement.
Makes perfect sense. And there's no tax presumably on the profit on a car?
And I hope we've made as good an impression on you as you've made on us.
And speaking of impressions, we are not the litigious type, so at the beach house, feel free to press
You're hitting on a pack of starving lawyers with student loans to pay off.
And I hope we've made as good an impression on you as you've made on us.
And speaking of impressions, we are not the litigious type, so at the beach house, feel free to press up against us.
You're hitting on a pack of starving lawyers with student loans to pay off.
I'll say this, reputation doesn't make my heart grow fonder.
We're looking at 9mm slugs, hollow point, the same type of round that killed Chris Jenkins.
Plenty of time for Manning to get here after he went to Rupa Nair.
- Copy that.
Harvey Reynolds? The N.Y.P.D. Mister Reynolds, please open the door.
- Clear here.
No, I didn't.
You need someone with experience in your type of injuries.
Yeah, I do.
No, I didn't.
You need someone with experience in your type of injuries.
Yeah, I do.
♪ This kiss ♪
♪ You know you're just my type... ♪ эй, эй, где черт возьми ты была?
♪ And your eyes unlock the key ♪
♪ This kiss ♪
♪ You know you're just my type... ♪ Hey. Hey, where the hell have you been?
♪ And your eyes unlock the key ♪
В каждом выпуске мы пробовали разные вещи и многие из них работали, а многие из них не срабатывали.
ошибки, очевидные ошибки, на которые некоторые смогли бы писать длиннющие сочинения why l did this black type
Нет, я никогда не видел никаких доказательств, о чем вы говорите?
Every issue we'd try a lot of things and a lot of them worked, and a lot of them didn't work.
I never saw proofs so a lot of times there were just mistakes, flat-out mistakes, that people would write long essays on why I did this black type on a black boot, or something.
No, I never saw a proof, what are you talking about?
А теперь, эмм, британские машины...
всегда умели растопить ваше сердце своей креативностью. фантастично изогнутых элементов дизайна, E-Type
А теперь – новая британская спортивная машина.
Now, er, British car...
British sports car makers, heroic chaps in sheds, they've always been able to pretty much melt your heart with their creativity, with the fantastic swooping curves of an E-Type Jaguar or an Aston Martin DB7.
And now, there's a new British sports car.
хорошо, я парю если бы Кристина спала на своей кровати, мне не приходилось бы парить на работе. Я мог бы парить в кровати
A different type of hovering perhaps.
насколько всё плохо сегодня, по 10-ти бальной шкале?
Fine.I'm hovering.
A different type of hovering perhaps.
how bad is it today, on a scale of one to ten?
Она звучала больше как синтезатор.
They also put synthesising-type effects Они также накладывали синтезаторные эффекты на вокал, что является
Поёт парень, но звучит он скорее как Dalek чем человек.
It sounded more like a synthesiser.
They also put synthesising-type effects on the voice, which is probably one of the most disturbing things they did.
You have a guy singing, but it sounds more like a dalek than a human being.
Каждый человек имеет группу крови, зависящую от группы крови своих родителей.
Tracy Kelly's blood type is "A"
Every person has their A.B.O. Blood type determined by each parent.
Tracy Kelly's blood type is "A"
Мора, объясни.
His mother couldn't be type "A"
Трейси не является матерью ребенка
Sum it up for me, Maura.
His mother couldn't be type "A"
Tracy's not the baby's mother.
Заманчивый, завораживающий, красивый.
Jaguar E-type
За все эти годы было много автомобилей.
The beguiling, bewitching, beautiful
E-type Jag.
Over the years, there have been many pretty cars.
Ладно, давайте посмотрим, что эта старушка может сделать.
Я знаю его происхождение, Я знаю, что это самый первый E-type кабриолет, но я хочу выяснить как оно будет
OK, let's see what the old girl can do.
I know it's genesis, I know this is the very first convertible E-type ever, but I have to find out what it's like when we give it some noise.
Сделан в небольшой инжинерной компанией в Сассексе, похож на E-type.
Он даже основан на E-type, но есть несколько отличий.
Алюминиевый корпус глубже, ветровое стекло ниже и имеет больший уклон.
Made by a small engineering company in Sussex, it looks like an E-type.
It's even based on an E-type but there have been some changes.
The aluminium body is deeper, the windscreen is lower and more steeply raked.
Но это - больше чем игрушка.
Это - современный вызов для E-type
И E-type, за исключением Конкорда последняя из величайших вещей ,сделанных в Британии
But this is more than a toy.
It's a modern take on the E-type Jag.
And the E-type, with the possible exception of Concorde, is almost certainly the last truly great thing Britain made.
Я организовал кое-что, что указывает на то, что это - душа дух, сердце всего, что есть
E-type не храбрый британец, который рад придти домой вторым, он не будет унижен Барселоной.
Он не помашет вслед Себастьяну Феттелю
BAND PLAYS I've organised something which recognises that this is the soul, the spirit, the beating heart of all that we can be.
The E-type isn't a plucky Brit that's happy to come home second, it wouldn't be humiliated by Barcelona.
It wouldn't simply wave Sebastian Vettel by.
Если вы попросите E-Type организовать королевскую свадьбу он не повезет их в Вестминстерское аббатство в веренице микроавтобусов
E-Type даже не знает, что такое микроавтобус
Каждая страна имеет икону.
And if you asked an E-type to organise a royal wedding, it wouldn't ferry the guests to Westminster Abbey in a fleet of minibuses.
The E-type doesn't know what a minibus is.
Every country has an icon.
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