Перевод "test" на английский
Произношение test
test – 30 результатов перевода
- What cards?
Callie was ranked number one in her year after this test.
She has legendary flash cards.
- What cards?
Callie was ranked number one in her year after this test.
She has legendary flash cards.
Но у нас была абсолютно великолепная учительница. But we had an absolutely superb teacher.
And this teacher gave a test to the class every month и она пересаживала класс основываясь на результатах
Были вертикальные ряды, и она помещала человека с высокой оценкой... There were vertical rows, and she put the person with the highest grade на первом месте в левом ряду. ...in the first seat on the left-hand row.
But we had an absolutely superb teacher.
And this teacher gave a test to the class every month and she re- seated the class based on the results of that test.
There were vertical rows, and she put the person with the highest grade in the first seat on the left-hand row.
Вы не поверите в это, но они сказали: You won't believe this, but they said:
"They'll test them behind the moon."
Я сказал: "Вы выжили из ума." I said: "You're out of your mind."
You won't believe this, but they said:
"They'll test them behind the moon."
I said, "You're out of your mind."
# And I'll be catching them pike Мемфис, штат Теннеси
# Like on the 10 pound test, success
# Never 'fess, take a guess
# And I'll be catching them pike
# Like on the 10 pound test, success
# Never 'fess, take a guess
Ну же.
Hi, I'm here to do a GSR test у...
Оливера Саксона?
Come on.
Hi, I'm here to do a GSR test on...
Oliver Saxon?
Зачем ты пошел к Саксону?
I went in to do a GSR test.
Но ты уже ведь здесь не работаешь.
What--what were you doing with Saxon?
I went in to do a GSR test.
But you don't even work here anymore.
- It's a terrible test.
- Believe me, I'm aware.
- Exactly.
- It's a terrible test.
- Believe me, I'm aware.
Before you go, just one question.
Harebrained as this test was, you had to be quite certain
I was the thief to even think of it.
Before you go, just one question.
Harebrained as this test was, you had to be quite certain
I was the thief to even think of it.
Мы пойдем к алтарю под "Crash Test Dummies"?
Ход переходит к Маршаллу.
What, are we gonna walk down the aisle to Crash Test Dummies?
Play's to Marshall.
Things get worse in Oklahoma...
- ...where a majority of high school students failed the test given to immigrants seeking to become naturalized
Three-fourths couldn't name the first US president...
Things get worse in Oklahoma...
- ...where a majority of high school students failed the test given to immigrants seeking to become naturalized citizens.
Three-fourths couldn't name the first US president...
Comms test radio check.
OSS, TAO, I need eyes on the RHIB.
Comms test radio check.
OSS, TAO, I need eyes on the RHIB.
So, how was the test numbers for Conrad?
They seemed really well.
So, how was the test numbers for Conrad?
They seemed really well.
How's it going?
Virginia: W-we have our first big test tomorrow.
William: Well, you should be at home, studying.
How's it going?
W-we have our first big test tomorrow.
Well, you should be at home, studying.
Какая группа будет играть ваш первый танец?
"Crash Test Dummies"?
Это смешно потому, что никто не приглашает группу.
W-What's the band gonna play for your first dance?
Crash Test Dummies?
See, it's funny 'cause who gets a band?
Мы будем знаменитыми, крошка.
В смысле, как "Crash Test Dummies". (канадская фолк-рок-группа)
- Ну, это все?
We're gonna be big, babe.
I mean, like crash-test-dummies big.
So, that everything?
# Bring it on #
# I'm-a test your balance #
# Bring it on #
♪ Bring it on ♪
♪ I'm-a test your balance ♪
♪ Bring it on ♪
# Bring it on #
# I'm-a test your balance #
# Bring it on #
♪ Bring it on ♪
♪ I'm-a test your balance ♪
♪ Bring it on ♪
Well, uh, we'll know in a day or so.
Shane, uh, stole your brush and took it to the lab for a paternity test.
So, tomorrow I'll be a father... Or not.
Well, we'll know in a day or so.
Shane stole your brush and took it to the lab for a paternity test.
So tomorrow I'll be a father, or not.
You have to assume command, officially.
Well, what if this is a test?
These dreams the Colonel's been having-- a test of his emotional stability.
You have to assume command, officially. I can't do that.
Well, what if this is a test?
These dreams the Colonel's been having... A test of his emotional stability.
Я не могу этого сделать. Well, what if this is a test?
These dreams the Colonel's been having-- a test of his emotional stability.
Он провалил тест.
Well, what if this is a test?
These dreams the Colonel's been having... A test of his emotional stability.
A test he's failing.
That would be a fair assumption.
Well, I'm gonna have to test you.
Скажем, двухлетняя...
That would be a fair assumption.
Well, I'm gonna have to test you.
Let's say, two-year-old...
I mean, what do you do?
It's your test.
I'd go in with a scope and get it.
I mean, what do you do?
It's your test.
I'd go in with a scope and get it.
Was just quizzing me for the test tomorrow.
Great expectations.
Was just quizzing me for the test tomorrow.
Great expectations.
I thought this was a warning to prepare us for an attack.
Either way, a warning, a test, we need a strong leader right now.
I don't like it any more than you do, but I don't think you have a choice.
I thought this was a warning to prepare us for an attack.
Either way, a warning, a test, we need a strong leader right now.
I don't like it any more than you do, but I don't think you have a choice.
There it is, of course.
All we have to do is test-drive a car.
Here, put this on.
There it is, of course.
All we have to do is test-drive a car.
Here, put this on.
(imitating Al Pacino): Afternoon.
My associate and I are here to test drive your Ferraris.
Uh, sorry, sir, but we don't just let these cars out the door so easily.
My associate and I are here to test drive your Ferraris.
Uh, sorry, sir, but we don't just let these cars out the door so easily.
This is the voice of silence no more
This is the test of flesh and soul
This is the trap that smells so good
This is the voice of silence no more
This is the test of flesh and soul
This is the trap that smells so good
# Bring it on #
# I'm-a test your balance #
- Argh!
♪ Bring it on ♪
♪ I'm-a test your balance ♪
- Argh!
# Bring it on #
# I'm-a test your balance #
# Bring it on #
♪ Bring it on ♪
♪ I'm-a test your balance ♪
♪ Bring it on ♪
# Bring it on #
# I'm-a test your balance #
# Bring it on #
♪ Bring it on ♪
♪ I'm-a test your balance ♪
♪ Bring it on ♪
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